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Find Information on Elevation Grade

How can I find information on the percent grade of a climb post ride after it is posted to Garmin Connect? I have an Edge 810 - I see elevation but not grade of a specific climb or max grade for example.
  • You can connect to Connect to Strava.

    Then on Strava as you move the cursor along the elevation graph it show the grade at that point.
    And you can setup a segment over the climb and it will show the average grade for that segment.
  • grade stored somewhere?

    I've done the Strava thing, but I want to find the maximum grade on a hill, and, when moving a mouse along the elevation trace of a hill, it is quite difficult to do this. Doesn't the Garmin save this data somewhere? If you can display it on the unit - it seems that you should be able to find it, post-ride.

  • Garmin is too much of what I don't want and not enough of what I do want. Grade % is just one of the missing essentials. It's like they've never ridden a bike. A case in point: thiey think they must tell you when to get a drink of water!  But I am the idiot for spending the time and money that I have on this stupid, useless Edge computer.