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Manual Import for tcx not working--FIXED!

I haven't been able to import .tcx files for the last two days. The files were created by Trainerroad, everything worked alright before that.
I already talked to Trainerroad and they didn't change anything in the last few days.

Is Garmin currently working on the import function?
  • Same Issue - TCX Not Importing

    Same problem here.. doesn't import .tcx.. Was working as of the 10th..
  • DST issue?

    Could it be a problem with Daylight Saving Time? The issue seemed to start around then.
  • I don't think it has to do with time change as my file from Saturday did not load, yet my file from last Tuesday Mar 7th loaded fine. Also my uploads from this past Saturday and Sunday loaded fine on Strava which is linked through my Garmin Connect account.
  • I have the same problem with manual upload of TrainerRoad TCX files: used to work perfectly but stopped working in the last week.
    Here is an interesting insight:

    My Garmin Connect is synced to Training Peaks, so any work I do using the Garmin Connect will be automatically synced and uploaded to Training Peaks,

    Since last week, when I manually upload the TCX files, I cannot see it on the Garmin Connect but it appears perfectly on Training Peaks,
    So the Garmin Connect can read it and transfer it to Training Peaks but does not present it.

    So to add to EranI's comment, this 'passing' of the tcx data through Garmin Connect to TrainingPeaks is happening for me as well. I've downloaded the tcx file from TrainingPeaks and have copied it to the Central Repository. The filename is 'Elive.2017-03-15-15-50-26-489Z.GarminPush.10435430224.tcx'. I've also copied the original tcx file from TrainerRoad to the Central Repository so that it can be compared to the TrainingPeaks version. It's filename is 'elivengood-2017-03-15-shortoff-1-5507150.tcx'. I've compared the two files and they seem exactly the same.

    Obviously the data is being passed through Garmin Connect to TrainingPeaks unaltered so there must be a processing problem on Garmin's end. And I agree that this started happening before DST kicked in...

  • Yup, the failure started with files imported through GC on March 8 - no sign of them on GC but successfully transferred to Strava and TrainingPeaks via link to GC. So time change didn't trigger the fault. Just tried to import today's workout, same result since March 8.
  • I haven't been able to import .tcx files for the last two days. The files were created by Trainerroad, everything worked alright before that.
    I already talked to Trainerroad and they didn't change anything in the last few days.

    Is Garmin currently working on the import function?

    I am having the exact same issue. Import from TrainerRoad worked fine before this week...I hope they fix it. File appears to import successfully, but never appears in my activity list. No error message.
  • Manual Import for tcx not working

    +1 for two files from Sufferfest; been trying since the 12th and 13th of March respectively.

    Should I upload to the queue on Dropbox like others are doing? Is there an ETA on a planned fix?

    Thanks in advance,

    - Mike B.
  • anyone from Garmin monitoring the Garmin Forums?

    This thread is a week old, with many, many people discussing, debugging, theorizing about the cause of the problem with uploads. But the official "Garmin Connect Status" page shows everything is hunky-dory and no one from Garmin providing any updates for their customers?
  • This thread is a week old, with many, many people discussing, debugging, theorizing about the cause of the problem with uploads. But the official "Garmin Connect Status" page shows everything is hunky-dory and no one from Garmin providing any updates for their customers?

    well, it might work for other services. They've acknowledged the problem. On twitter: - er, well i guess this is TR not garmin but it sure sounds like they're working on it.

    Also I think they've been through this thread already at least once and acknowledged the problem.

    Still, I take your point. Would be nice to have it on the status page.
  • Edge 820 Issue

    I can download/upload tcx files from Garmin Connect to Strava, however no luck with Garmin Training Center or Device Agent for Training Peaks/WKO. Seems like this occured after Garmin rolled out V6.2 update for the 820.