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Cannot see the gear icon or lap information in the activity details page

I am unable to see the gear icon in the activity details page as well as other parts of the screen that I used to be able to see such as segments, gear, etc,...

For instance when I go to this activity page below, I cannot see information about segments, gear, etc,... as well as the gear icon that would allow me export the activity:

Any ideas about what could be the issue?

  • What operating system and what web browser are you using? I'm able to see those items fine in your activity.

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  • Using iOS 10.12.3 and Chrome 56 or Safari 10.0.3

    I have a macbook with iOS 10.12.3 and I have tried with Chrome 56.0.2924.87 and Safari 10.0.3, none of them shows the options to export. I have attached an screenshot of the chrome window.

    Interestingly if I look at the page without signing in, I can see the splits but I still don't see any of the options to export the activity. It is as if when I am logged in, I can see less of the activity than when I am logged out.

    Thanks for your help,

  • Can you try clearing the browsing data in Chrome to see if that helps?

    Settings >> Advanced Settings >> Clear browsing data >> from the beginning of time >> tick all check boxes >> Clear browsing data >> Restart Chrome
  • I have tried clearing the browser data and restarting the browser (and the laptop) but still I have the same problem. I can see the splits if I am not logged in, but if I am logged in with my garmin connect account I cannot see the splits or the options to export the activity.

  • I see the Gear Icon, the equipment gear, the Garmin device listed.

    But I don't see any running heatmaps as shown in the screenshot. And I tried all combinations of maps.
  • I don't see any running heatmaps

    Not sure if heatmaps are even available outside of the US, as we have discussed here. I can only see heatmaps for the USA, including Hawaii, but not Alaska.

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  • I have tried clearing the browser data and restarting the browser (and the laptop) but still I have the same problem. I can see the splits if I am not logged in, but if I am logged in with my garmin connect account I cannot see the splits or the options to export the activity.

    Just tried this on a Mac with Chrome. I'm also not seeing the gear icon to export. However, if you hover the mouse over that area it displays "more," but clicking on it does nothing. "More" is essentially what the gear icon is.
  • hovering for gear icon

    How do you hover in a Mobile touch screen...?
  • You can just tap in that location. It's not working anyway, so doesn't really matter.