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Cadence in exported file wrong?


I just came back from a run and wanted to look at the data in excel. I exported once as TCX and once as fit file. In both files Cadence is reported around 80 rpm (data points), which is simply wrong. In Garmin Connect however it shows correct datapoints and an average of 158 spm.

So did I overlook something in the export or ist just simply exported wrong? If so, how can I trust the other data then?

Here's the run:

  • With 80 vs 158, you may be seeing the two types of "cadence". For running, it's spm, but for cycling it's revolutions (2 steps, so to speak).

    80x2 = 160. If the export is doing revolutions, that would explain it. Does the original .fit show it as 80 or 160? Not what you see on GC, but the file itself...
  • With 80 vs 158, you may be seeing the two types of "cadence". For running, it's spm, but for cycling it's revolutions (2 steps, so to speak).

    80x2 = 160. If the export is doing revolutions, that would explain it. Does the original .fit show it as 80 or 160? Not what you see on GC, but the file itself...

    The fit file also shows around 80 and unit Rpm... so I guess its for revolutions per minute. Guess have to multiply by two then... Though it was a running activity and not cycling, so still I would say it should export spm and not rpm.