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MyFitnessPal will not adjust for Garmin Connect calories

Hi - I'm using a Vivo Fit 2 to track steps etc. I manually sync (it just won't sync unless I force it to) to the Garmin Connect app, which then eventually shows me my steps, activites, and calorie adjustments - usually I have to quit and restart the app (iPhone 5) for it to show steps etc.

However, MyFitnessPal itself never adjusts the calories due to exercise. It did once, but for the rest of the 2 weeks I've had the Vivo Fit 2, there is no adjustment in MFP.

I've tried removing the link between MFP and Garmin Connect, but it doesn't make any difference. GarminConnect tells me I've burnt x calories and adjusts my daily intake, and it's sync'ing with MFP so that Garmin Connect shows the calories I've eaten etc., but it wont go in the opposite direction. MFP does seem to show the steps, but when I look at it in more detail there's a 0 calorie adjustment (whereas GC adjusts by the calories I've burnt).

Also GC only seems to calculate at the end of the day, so it's impossible to work out during the day how many calories I can adjust my intake by.

Can anybody help ?

  • Hi - I'm using a Vivo Fit 2 to track steps etc. I manually sync (it just won't sync unless I force it to) to the Garmin Connect app, which then eventually shows me my steps, activites, and calorie adjustments - usually I have to quit and restart the app (iPhone 5) for it to show steps etc.

    However, MyFitnessPal itself never adjusts the calories due to exercise. It did once, but for the rest of the 2 weeks I've had the Vivo Fit 2, there is no adjustment in MFP.

    I've tried removing the link between MFP and Garmin Connect, but it doesn't make any difference. GarminConnect tells me I've burnt x calories and adjusts my daily intake, and it's sync'ing with MFP so that Garmin Connect shows the calories I've eaten etc., but it wont go in the opposite direction. MFP does seem to show the steps, but when I look at it in more detail there's a 0 calorie adjustment (whereas GC adjusts by the calories I've burnt).

    Also GC only seems to calculate at the end of the day, so it's impossible to work out during the day how many calories I can adjust my intake by.

    Can anybody help ?


    Same for us but using Vivoactive....all other readings in GC and MFP fine but no calories consumed being retrieved from MFP
  • Same for us but using Vivoactive....all other readings in GC and MFP fine but no calories consumed being retrieved from MFP

    Looks like the bones of an answer may be in this article.....I'm just reading and testing right now. let you know
  • Vivoactive having same issue but...

    My phone apps (connect and mfp) are not updating steps or sleep from the watch nor calories from the other app. If this doesn't work, why have this watch? I am trying to integrate my running with overall fitness, but there is no need to have it if I can't easily see the info.
    Hi - I'm using a Vivo Fit 2 to track steps etc. I manually sync (it just won't sync unless I force it to) to the Garmin Connect app, which then eventually shows me my steps, activites, and calorie adjustments - usually I have to quit and restart the app (iPhone 5) for it to show steps etc.

    However, MyFitnessPal itself never adjusts the calories due to exercise. It did once, but for the rest of the 2 weeks I've had the Vivo Fit 2, there is no adjustment in MFP.

    I've tried removing the link between MFP and Garmin Connect, but it doesn't make any difference. GarminConnect tells me I've burnt x calories and adjusts my daily intake, and it's sync'ing with MFP so that Garmin Connect shows the calories I've eaten etc., but it wont go in the opposite direction. MFP does seem to show the steps, but when I look at it in more detail there's a 0 calorie adjustment (whereas GC adjusts by the calories I've burnt).

    Also GC only seems to calculate at the end of the day, so it's impossible to work out during the day how many calories I can adjust my intake by.

    Can anybody help ?

  • I have just started logging food in MFP again after the summer, and am linked with the Garmin Connect account. I have a 920 forerunner.

    I can see all activities are sent correctly to MFP, but no step adjustment. I also note that the Active Calories on Garmin Connect are STILL wrong when you have recorded an activity as well as steps on the same day, after almost a year since I reported it.

    So I assume MFP have removed the steps adjustment due to it being totally unreliable, but have no confirmation yet. I guess I will have to work it out myself using the watch at the end of each day, and add it as a walking activity in MFP.
  • I don't have this issue

    I have logged on to MFP for the last 355 days and don't have this issue. Mine shows my workouts and my activity monitoring calories separately.
  • I have just started logging food in MFP again after the summer, and am linked with the Garmin Connect account. I have a 920 forerunner.

    I can see all activities are sent correctly to MFP, but no step adjustment. I also note that the Active Calories on Garmin Connect are STILL wrong when you have recorded an activity as well as steps on the same day, after almost a year since I reported it.

    So I assume MFP have removed the steps adjustment due to it being totally unreliable, but have no confirmation yet. I guess I will have to work it out myself using the watch at the end of each day, and add it as a walking activity in MFP.

    Try going into your step settings and deactivating steps and then turning the feature back on again. Worked for me!
  • I use Garmin Connect from an android phone, but suspect my answer will be applicable for IOS as well.

    I experienced the same but with a fiddling around with the setting I finally got it right. Here is what I did:

    1. Make sure to allow for negative calorie adjustment (use a net browser and log in to myfitnesspal, then do the changes there). I have Norwegian settings so I don't know the English name for it.

    2. In the goals section of your app set the activity level to an appropriate value. In my case the lowest possible as I work in an office with little or no activity during the work day. If you set it to high, then MFP will "steal" all your activity calories. By setting it a little low MFP will reward every thing you do. This works great for me as motivation.

    3. Set the weight loss goal to an appropriate value.

  • If you tap calories in/out and then log calories in MFP then steps and any manual sessions will be accounted for in MyFitnessPal