Seriously, like every other app/platform/device can tell you the current battery level in the app. Can GCM really not do that?
Seriously, like every other app/platform/device can tell you the current battery level in the app. Can GCM really not do that?
It is easiest for you to check your watch battery level on the mobile not on the watch?
Especially that you can set up your watch face constantly presenting such information.
It’s not easier, it just seems like information that the mobile app could show each time a device syncs.
Easiest is to grab a phone, open app and check battery level on you watch, instead on just look on watch face and see battery level on it.
iAs you say so.
While charging it's easier to check the phone than the watch in the other room. Moreover, I don't have this information on my watch face, as there are limited data fields you can present. So it makes absolutely sense to have that info in app. And it is super easy to have it in the app.