iOS training load for Garmin workouts keeps resetting

Hi people at Garmin!

I’m a happy user of your products. I synchronize my Garmin workouts to Apple health since I also use non-Garmin devices, so iOS HealthKit is my main platform for everything. 
Since iOS 18, Apple added support for training load. U use this a lot. This also works with Garmin workouts, where I can assign an intensity number after it has synchronized to the iOS activity app. So far so good.

However, every time the Garmin Connect iOS app uploads a new workout, all iOS intensity data of the previous Garmin workouts is reset. Because of this, my training load is messed up and I have to re-enter the intensity for all those workouts again. This has been happening for some time now, and I have updated everything. 

I’m not the only one encountering this issue. Kindly refer to:

I’d like to submit this bug to your iOS developers, and hope that this can quickly be fixed. Thanks!