Fitness Age not counting vigorous days

Hello all,

When looking at my fitness age, I noticed it's recommending more vigorous days and tells me my 4 week average is only 1.6. I understand a "vigorous day" means I must have 5 minutes of vigorous intensity.

I went back and looked at each day individually, and for the last 4 weeks I have 3, 4, 3, and 3. So my 4 week average should be 3.25.

Anyone have this happen and successfully fix it?

  • I noticed the same error on the Fitness Age display, and reported it in a chat using the Support section of the Garmin Website on Oct 29, 2024.  The person I chatted with investigated, and followed up by email later that day, to let me know that there’s already a case open for this problem.  I don’t know how long it’s been open.  I expressed my opinion that if there’s a data display in Garmin Connect that they know is wrong, they should alert users.  Maybe there’s a list of known issues posted somewhere?  For now, I’m trying to ignore my “Fitness Age”.

    A search of this forum shows a variety of bugs involving Vigorous Minutes over the years.

  • Same for me , it is not recording days or the minutes correctly.