Why can't I see weightlifting trends in Garmin Connect?
If I have
Leg Day, Push Day, Pull Day etc setup for my workouts why can't I view total weight lifted over time for those workouts? Garmin has all the info to show these stats if the user enters it in correctly so what's the problem
Why is it still so terrible to enter reps and weights on the watches? Have the devs never seen or used Hevy on Apple Watch? If the devs are on here, seriously go download the Hevy App and use it in the gym. It's YEARS ahead of what Garmin offers. I should be able to start my Push Day on my watch and then see a list of my routine showing my pre set reps and weights for each workout. Then all I have to do is start the set and stop the set. Then if I decide to up my weights I can hit another button to edit set. that is all that is required. Then after I save my workout garmin updates my routine with my new weight lifted for the next time. THEN I should see in my Garmin connect app "Congrats you have a new record on bench press, that's the most weight you've lfited so far for that workout"
I should be able to view total weight lifted for individual workouts and routines over time. There should be graphs and heat maps for trends. What is going on Garmin??? Your strength training has been the same for years. Now you launch the Fenix 8 with ads of weightlifting and it's still junk.