Toggle on/off synk to strava for swimrun

When doing a swimrun, where you run and swim multiple times. I wan to be able to pause synk to strava until after I have edited the transitions. The way it works now is that i have to delete all faulty runs and swims (sometimes 30+ activities). I would like edit the activity in connect and the ask for synk, or consolidate all activities to one activity before sending it to strava.

Have anyone figure out a way to do this?

  • You can't do that.

    The runs and swims are not faulty. Strava doesn't support multisport. Each leg in a multisport activity in Garmin Connect is handled as a separate activity in Strava. Just let it be like that. Then you will get the correct stats in Strava. If you combine them the stats will be incorrect. 

  • What I mean is that i want to edit where the watch had me running on water or swimming on land. And after editing this sent the correct data to strava.

  • It wouldn't work even if you could pause the sync since it is the original files that are transferred to Strava. So, edits will make any difference.

    Are the legs faulty because you are using auto swimrun? I never use that function during my swimruns since pretty much all automatic functions will be incorrect sometime. I only trust me manually pressing the lap button when I transition.