It’s terrible.
Can we please just have the option to go to the old version
Utterly awful. Used to be clean, on one page and easy to see. Now have to scroll to find things. Poor work Garmin
I agree that it is terrible, I was so at home with the previous format and now am all at sea. Please can it be changed or give users the option to revert back?
It may because of the initial category you chose when you first opened the new so called updated app, there were 3 choices, I choice the one that was for training, I believe it was at third choice, if you want to change that category you would have to go to the edit home page then scroll down to and reset home page and select the one that focuses on training. You will get a lot more metrics to choose from for your at a glance section this way - up to 20 in total, even though you will still only get 8 on the screen before you will have to tap the see all button to get the rest. I hope that helps - it really is frustrating that they make us choose and limit what can be seen in each category without making that clear - full customizable - umm don't think so.
Not only is it terrible, it now stalls and wont show data. Garmin just needs to go back to the previous version ASAP. This new release is garbage!!
I hate the new look. Will change to competitors if this awful upgrade persists
This is an awful upgrade. In previous version you could see all in one glance. Now you see a select basically uneditable screen. Go back or I am ditching Garmin
The new phone app is terrible. You used to be able to see most important info at once. Now it is all tap, sweep, scroll, search AND it is slow to view or just doesn’t show the data. This new version is a big backwards step in functionality. I hope Garmin reverts back soon as many have requested.
Me too! This “new look” is horrible and not as friendly as the previous versions Rubbish!
Rubbish “new look”.
Thinking of going Tissot which is a nice watch and got a real simply and friendly app
Ah, Tissot is a new one. Usually people claim that they will go to Apple ;-)
Which Tissot watch would you recommend that gives me the same level of functionality as my Epix?
I had a look at the App Store and the screenshots of Tissots App look very, very similar to Connect. In which way is it simpler and more friendly?
It, pretty much, looks like the previous version of Garmin Conmect.
On the screenshots it looks more or less exactly like the current Connect App. But anyway, if Tissot gives you the better user experience that's awesome.
Which Tissot watch would you recommend that gives me the same level of functionality as my Epix2?