It’s terrible.
Can we please just have the option to go to the old version
Utterly awful. Used to be clean, on one page and easy to see. Now have to scroll to find things. Poor work Garmin
I agree that it is terrible, I was so at home with the previous format and now am all at sea. Please can it be changed or give users the option to revert back?
You should also make sure that your personal details in Connect are correct. Data such as your gender, height, weight and also the entry for your heart rate. Is the information on HRmax, resting heartrate etc. correct?
How to pass from coolest app design to the WORST ! I no longer enjoy this app design new data reading! What happen to you Garmin Guys ??
I don’t like the new look. Please bring back the old one. Hiking activity has totally gone away on my Garmin Connect
The worst bit is garmin don’t seem to care what we all say they won’t change it. So the best thing to do it move over to Apple or Strava as I am doing.
I have been told by Garmin that there is no way to revert back and this is the new connect, They also make this clear in the FAQ document linked in the first thread on this forum, We are stuck with it. Maybe they will alter it after all the suggestions and complaints from users but I have a hard time believing that will happen when there are still issue and bugs in this version.
I love the new design, the customization and the graphics. Works well for me.
I respect that you like it, I myself hate it but I am curious how are you able to get what you need from it? I would really like to know how the people who like it find it better than the old one, how do they use it that allows this version to be better at providing them data? Are they serious about their training? Do they want to know their load focus, training load etc, or are they more interested in the health metrics like steps, stress and sleep scores? I am not trying to be argumentative, I am legitimately curious about how you get what you want from this new version.
For me the data is just not there, not that I haven't added tiles in the in focus section and the at a glance to try to get what I need or want but I find it far less customizable than the previous version, For me the tiles are far too big, clunky, cumbersome and contain too little data. Again for me there too much swiping left and right, up and down and all the clicking to get to the actually meaningful data. I found the list must easier and the data it provide more valuable. I would be more inclined to least tolerate this version as it is if the tiles were removed and all the in focus and at a glance were presented in the manner the last 7 days are, as a list with horizontal bars. The bars could be bigger for the in focus but then things would fit better on the screen and the at a glance would truly be at a glance rather than at a scroll and then back and hit see all to then scroll some more, only to have to tap the tile to get more data that could easily fit on all that wasted space. I would also add that I would love to see it customizable so that you could move the at a glance to the top of the screen - I think that is where it should be. I want to see the stats on my day first on my homepage. I don't need a list of the activities I did - I know what I did, that just adds more scrolling.
Anyway I am truly curious because everyone I know hates it.