Garmin Connect Mobile Updated Home Page

It’s terrible. 

  • If you don't like it stop coming on to the forums, user 5990074 has just as much right as you do to post a thread even if there are many others on the same topic. A bit hypocritical given that you posted one on the same topic today -   "I like the new Connect Platform - do you too?"   

    @59900074 there is no way of restoring it and Garmin has stated that they will not go back to the previous version. 

  • The new advance is absolutely awful. It needs to go back to the old set up. This is so un functional. I’ve read a bunch of reviews and everybody seems to hate it. Give the option to go back to the old form

  • Don't we all want to find a topic that we need with as few clicks as possible?

    If everyone opens their own thread, even though the topic already exists x times, it doesn't help anyone. neither me nor YOU.

    A bit hypocritical given that you posted one on the same topic today -   "I like the new Connect Platform - do you too?"

    You're confusing something. I opened a thread that deals with exactly the opposite topic.

    My topic is "I like the app".

    The new app is terrible.

    But if you say that it's the same topic, then you're saying that the author of this thread is of the same opinion. Thanks for the clarification.

    People are complaining about the Connect update, that they have to make so many clicks to get information.

    But then they make a forum that was previously relatively well organized completely confusing by opening the same topic x times (topic hate the update. Is there a way back?).

    Somehow illogical.


    Is there a way to restore the previous option?
    Garmin has stated that they will not go back to the previous version. 

    Where did you get this information from? I haven't seen a public statement on this from Garmin yet. Link ?

  • Directly from Garmin - it is in the FAQ link in the first thread on this forum from Garmin announcing the app update, but also from my direct contact with Garmin customer service.

    Also there are threads on the same topic as yours - Does anyone like the new homepage?, the Poll thread is asking people if they like the app, You are asking people to state their opinion. Surely you don't expect that only people who like the app will respond.  

    Further user 5990074 used the headline App Update and only commented "The new app is terrible". as you have stated so yes the topics are the same - you are both created threads about the new Connect platform. 

    I am done now. Going back and forth with you is a huge waste of time. I really don't care how many people make threads on how they hate the app, the more the merrier. It is a terrible app with a huge amount of wasted space that does not work properly and should not have been pushed out as it and shame on Garmin for doing so.

  • No, I hate it.  Why must tech people justify their jobs by messing with something that already works fine?    It’s much easier to use a single page with a list vs. the sprawled out graphic version.  I always had the option of drilling down to the detailed pages when I WANTED to in the earlier version.  Please give us the option to go back to the other interface!!!

  • ..."It is not possible to revert to the previous My Day, Daily Summary, or Dashboard screens."...

    Directly from Garmin - it is in the FAQ link in the first thread on this forum from Garmin announcing the app update, but also from my contact with Garmin customer service.

    thanks !

  • Unfortunately I haven’t had a good experience so far.  I’m all for updating to give better options.  Unfortunately I am often not able to see any stats at all - the individual panels are just blinking (not sure how to explain it better) it seems to be a not loading problem.  

  • Unfortunately I haven’t had a good experience so far.  Often the panels just blink as if the data is trying unsuccessfully to load.  I’m all for improvements and updates that make it easier but this has not been the case so far.  

  • Horrible, just hoping someone at garmin can take feedback from so many people 

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member 9 months ago in reply to Bill_who

    I can see stats one day and not the next. I might as well be using a Fitbit because my watch is giving me my steps and Calories and the App doesn’t even give me that!