It’s terrible.
Can we please just have the option to go to the old version
Utterly awful. Used to be clean, on one page and easy to see. Now have to scroll to find things. Poor work Garmin
I agree that it is terrible, I was so at home with the previous format and now am all at sea. Please can it be changed or give users the option to revert back?
61% hate or prefer the old one. Majority
No source, did you make the figures up?
like everyone
No source, did you make the figures up?
Just search the forum. It may take a while.
This is obviously because the people who are upset here have opened unnecessarily many threads on the same topic instead of concentrating their complaints.
Unfortunately, this makes the forum extremely confusing at the moment.
Seems worse every day
Seems worse each day. Harder to update information
It’s very bad. I rarely look at the app after this change. They took a highly intuitive and functional Ul and made totally non-user-friendly.
You obviously know where the source is, so you provide it. Until you can provide the evidence, I shall continue to believe that you are just a distraction
First time on the forums just for this!