It’s terrible.
Can we please just have the option to go to the old version
Utterly awful. Used to be clean, on one page and easy to see. Now have to scroll to find things. Poor work Garmin
I agree that it is terrible, I was so at home with the previous format and now am all at sea. Please can it be changed or give users the option to revert back?
Using the instinct 2x tactical and have been noticing that on the body battery, it has been showing inconsistently the factors that affects it. Tried to sync it with my watch multiple times but no change in result.
it also inconsistently showing acclimation chart on the sleep page with sleep O2.
both app and watch on the lates firmware.
RubiTrack is a great app that keeps all your data on your device without uploading anything to servers. It costs £22.99 though plus annual subscription.
Clearly, this new UI was developed by someone that is not a serious exerciser. The competition HAS to be licking their chops after this “improvement”. I’ll be all ears when they start pitching their options. Garmin, you need not die on this hill.
Very different watches from a functional standpoint. How often do you need to charge your Ultra when you use it to track 2-3 hours worth of daily activities?
Stefan is correct - they're not going to revert back to the old interface. They're advertising the new app structure - people will calm down eventually and things will move on. The sky isn't falling, truly. Life goes on.
I’m so happy to hear that everyone else is not liking the new at a glance set up. I want the old page back
I’ve been a faithful Garmin user for years but I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s time to leave. I constantly have issues battery drain, cycle tracking, syncing, etc. They choose not to listen to their customers. I mean, why does beta testing even exist?! I’m just so over it and refuse to give this company any more of my money.
I don't blame you a bit after V5 failure.
Garmin is now deleting stuff trying to win that way so they can say people love it. The will loose some of the loyal base but maybe they are ok with it.