It’s terrible.
Can we please just have the option to go to the old version
Utterly awful. Used to be clean, on one page and easy to see. Now have to scroll to find things. Poor work Garmin
I agree that it is terrible, I was so at home with the previous format and now am all at sea. Please can it be changed or give users the option to revert back?
Hate it!!! I tried it on the beta staged and opted out. Come on, Garmin!!!! Whos idea was this? Nice try! But now previous data is no longer loading!!! Even after syncing my watch several times. Enough is enough. Bring back the old version!
Hate it!!! I tried it on the beta staged and opted out. Come on, Garmin!!!! Whos idea was this? Nice try! But now previous data is no longer loading!!! Even after syncing my watch several times. Enough is enough. Bring back the old version!
AGREE !!! THIS IS HORRIBLE! Even when I try to set the new interface I intensely dislike it doesn’t save .
We do not need to get used to it - we can leave the Garmin ecosystem, this is a huge downgrade not an upgrade and many will do that rather than get used to it.
Hate it so much! I can appreciate change but seriously??? This is useless and so horrible to navigate
I did the beta for a week or so, hated it, told Garmin and went back to the original version. So when I saw that we were being forced to use it I started looking at alternative products. Garmin, this is a big mistake!
No, I hate it so much! Why on earth have they done this?