It’s terrible.
Can we please just have the option to go to the old version
Utterly awful. Used to be clean, on one page and easy to see. Now have to scroll to find things. Poor work Garmin
I agree that it is terrible, I was so at home with the previous format and now am all at sea. Please can it be changed or give users the option to revert back?
No, I just want to have the old one back NOW!!!!
Me to, this one is really bad
Det er uoverskueligt og ikke nemt at se ens værdier, som hjerte patient har jeg altid holdt øje nemt og hurtigt, så det har hjulpet mig til at gear ned eller omvendt givet lidt gas. Med det nye design skal du klikke dig ind alt for mange steder.
Same here.
Please bring back the dashboards!
I totally agree at least give the option to keep the old format
Garmin please give the old interface back for my phone The new version shows less and is a disappointment
My husband and I both dislike the new home page too. At least give us the option to stay with the old one.
Does Garmin plan to respond? Make sure you leave a review in the Apple App Store!