It’s terrible.
Can we please just have the option to go to the old version
Utterly awful. Used to be clean, on one page and easy to see. Now have to scroll to find things. Poor work Garmin
I agree that it is terrible, I was so at home with the previous format and now am all at sea. Please can it be changed or give users the option to revert back?
Hate it. I had my screen customized just the way I wanted it, all info available on one screen. So scrolling through a bunch of screens is better? I at least want the option to go back to the old version. Why fix something that wasn't broken?
Absolutely horrible. Beyond terrible. I want the old one back.
Absolutely awful and I won’t use mine because of this. They killed their product.
I've got a Garmin watch, the connect app, the scale, the blood pressure cuff, bike computer and the bike radar. I was planning on purchasing a TacX, a newer watch, and the radar light combo this year. However, after this app "update" and zero feedback from Garmin, I'm currently researching alternative manufactures' ecosystems.
Just barely getting started with my product research, but there are alternatives for all of these products.
Anyone else considering the same?
What experiences have you had with other brands?
This is making me want to leave Garmin! This is an awful update. Nothing makes sense and o can’t find anything
After several hours of trying to figure out how to do this, I think the de-install is done by offloading the Connect 5.0 app. If I understand this correctly this removes the all but not the data. I don’t see how to reinstall Connect version 4.77.1. I’ve as yet not looked up how to turnoff the auto update off. This is on the iPhone.
I've turned off focus as it is a total screen waste. Can't believe anyone reviewed this and liked it. This isn't an app for visual data experience - it's and app for runners, who move fast, need data fast and get quick reference info. I don't open Connect to spend all day browsing around.
I agree. Let us choose! This looks like it’s from 1990! No one wants to scroll through several boxes to get data.
I’m really disappointed with the upgrade. The prior version was perfect. In a world of change we just want simplicity and some things that work well to stay the same. The home page has info that I never look at up front and centre and the info I want is buried. It makes me less likely to want to use Garmin. Whoever designed the layout got it so wrong. I expected better from a company of this scale.