Significant Gross Errors in Connect Calorie counting and Heart rate statics

In the 1040 forum we have an issue/bug  that is causing problem for countless cyclists. The problem is however not part of the 1040 but the Garmin connect software

Hear rate statistics and calorie counts recorded in activities are no longer included in the connect totals.

Using a power meter (Garmin Rally) on a bike is significant more accurate the guesstamating from heart rate.  This is one of the reasons why athletes use such devices. For some people the errors can be as high as 40% 

A chest strap heart monitor is also more accurate the a watch. but again these values and traces are ignored.

Previously the were option the select which device should lead, but the were removed and the process optimised.   The issue has been open for over 18 monts.

If you have any insight we would love the hear how this may be resolved

