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Apple Activity Rings not updating with Garmin workouts

I'm looking for some level of confirmation as to whether or not I'm doing something wrong in my setup.

I have a Fenix 7S watch that syncs with the Garmin Connect iOS app after ending my tennis training.

The training activities gets logged in the Apple Health app through the Garmin Connect app, but fails to move any rings in the Apple Fitness app.

Am I missing something obvious?

I have tried installing additional apps like Strava but I guess Strava requires the activity to be recorded on the app while performing the activity, and I never have the phone on me during workouts, only the Garmin Fenix 7S watch.

Watch OS 11.22

Garmin Connect iOS App v4.62.3 (23-Jan-2023)

  • Hi — I’ve noticed this topic came up a few times on here 3 years ago. Wondering if people are still having this issue? I am not getting a clean upload to my move ring. It will show the activity, but won’t impact the move ring and influence other data points. I saw someone recommended a paid app to act as a middleman, which seems unacceptable given the cost of entry for a garmin product (using fenix x) that Garmin can’t figure this out. Sometimes the Strava trick works and sometimes it doesn’t. I’m not fluent with these apps, so I’m hoping it’s just user error. Any thoughts?

    Also, when I found the Strava workaround it was doubling my calories data on the move ring for some reason. Ex: workout was 700 calories, when I had it sync to Strava it would report the garmin workout and Strava workout and my move ring would say 1400. When I disabled Strava upload then it just went back to displaying my garmin activity on the move activities list, but zero impact on the ring itself. Strange… Any ideas? 


  • Garmin makes great hardware, and I really like connect, but your expectations for them working with anything not garmin needs to be really low.  If you want it to work correctly, you will need to pay a third party.    (Which will only solve for workouts, not all day metrics)

  • Since latest Update 4.62 no active calories from activities are being synced with apple health or YAZIO App.

    only active calories from non activities go outside connect.

  • I have the exact same problem. Data is moved in to Apple health from Garmin but the Rings does not move despite training logs in Health.

    Garmin App has highest priority.

    Latest iOS, latest Garmin App, Epix 2.

  • Hi SE TM,

     Thanks - 

    I notice that you do actually get some sort of activity around 6am on that day. I don't se any activity at all, and I don't even get the red, green, and blue dots showing in the activity ring diagram.

    I'm testing out if there are inactive apps that might be blocking data from being written to Activity app. 

    Health App -> Profile picture -> Apps -> 'removing apps like Strava, RunKeeper etc. that are inactive'.

    I'm also wondering f there can be an issue with the Units for calories etc. that gets logged by Garmin but expected somehow differently by Apple Health and Fitness app. 


  • Did some 48 minutes treadmill running at Friday. First it was faulty registered as an outdoor running in Apple health/fitness. With that said here is how it looked for me

    First in Garmin Connect I did some intervals with some periods of walking between the intervals as shown in Graph below

    Now let's move on to Apple Health App. If enter the Activity card below it will look as follows when view the Day view. You can see that it logged the single training as 2 different logs. One 11 min and one 37 min session. Maybe that was because of some walking during the running session; but this was not what I expect. From my view this should be logged as a single running session.

    Go over to the week view for the Activity card, then suddenly no activity is logged at all. This is not what expect. Shown i Day view but not in Week view. Garmin What happens here???

    Now let us look at the card for energy at activity. Same as for activity. For the Day view, 2 sessions was logged for the single running session and in the week view I actually have energy logged.

    Now we look at the Walk and running distance. First it logged 1.6K for walking and 5.5K for running. Here I think Garmin does it wrong since I just logged a running session with my watch; that I between intervals do recovery by walking should not result in 2 different logs.

    Now have a look at the number of exercise minutes. Still the same, registered as 2 different logs

    Now have a look at the exercise card

    Now let us move on the the fitness App.

    Despite the 48 minutes of running (treadmill) then the rings are totally empty and no trace of any training except that we can see that there is a training from Garmin, but the data is not visualized in this view at all

    Entering the logged data from Garmin you can see

    Thus data is there but it is not propagated to the rings. Garmin, you are doing something wrong here. This have to be fixed.

    Anyone else have the same problem.

    Using Epix SW 11.22, Garmin Connect App (iOS) 4.62.3, and Apple iOS 16.1.1

  • I think I know why you are interpreting the Apple Health logs as two separate registrations, but I think it’s actually kept as just one. 

    The bar chart view will automatically split the exercise minutes, from the Day-view, by each hour of that day. It’s simply because you crossed the 10:59 to 11:00am point, so the view will split the measure by hours. Which should match if you started the work out at around 10:49 (giving you 11 min to 11:00) and then the rest was within the 11am window. 

    Now for the missing movement of the Apple Fitness rings - we are seeing exactly the same issue where no activity at all are logged. Very strange. Thank you very much for taking part of this issue. 

  • That explains why it looks like two different logs. Thanks for the answer. However that the rings do not move is NOT ok and should be fixed by Garmin. Also strange that the activity bars was shown for the Day view but not on the week view in Apple Health App

  • I also have this issue. Exercises from Garmin Connect is visible in Apple health and data is available but the rings do not move at all.  closed the issue ( stating that it was solved but IT IS NOT. Kevin what is the latest status on this when can we actually get a fix that makes the rings move. Have the developers really tested that their solution works. If so let us know what we need to do to make this work, right now it is not working at all :( 

    As you can see by images below in Apple Fitness App. The rings are not moved at All despite that training are logged from Garmin Connect App.

    Anyone else has the problem or even more interesting. Has anyone got this to work? Then please comment and post some image as a proof and let me know how you got it to work.

    FYI: I am currently on GC App (iOS) SW 4.62.3 running iOS 16.3

  • Hello all,

    If you are not seeing ANY influence on your move rings from activities recorded on your watch, please post a screenshot showing the following:

    Open Apple Health App > Scroll down to the Sharing icon (bottom middle of the app) > Select Apps > Select Connect > Screenshot here (this may take two screenshots depending on the number of lines on this screen and your screen's resolution).

    Once you have these screenshots, please post them here.

    ***We just released a software update (4.63) for the Garmin Connect mobile app and while we do not necessarily have anything included there directed at this report, we're curious as to whether you experience anything different post update.