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Strava Activities Do Not show in Garmin Connect

I have the Garmin Connect app on my iPhone, and in Settings>Connected Apps>Strava I have turned on both "Data shared from Connect to Strava (Activities)" & "Data shared from Strava to Connect (Courses)".  But no activities recorded with Strava show up in Garmin Connect.  But when I record an activity with my Garmin device (An Edge Explore bike computer) and sync the device with Connect, the activities DO show up in the Strava app.  Why aren't activities recorded with Strava showing up in Garmin Connect?  Should they show up, or will only Strava "Routes", not Activities, show up in Connect.  Why does the Connect App use the word "Courses"  when such a word is not used by Strava?  And what is the meaning of the statement under the "Data shared from Strava to Connect" that says, "Share your Strava routes with Garmin Connect."?  Are only Strava routes shared, or should Strava Activities be shared? (as I would expect?)

Thanks in advance for the help