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Time for Garmin to update their apple health integration, I think..

my reason for posting the original question was because Strava stopped (temporarily) transferring 3rd party information to apple health.

Even though Strava has re-enabled that capability, I'd really like Garmin to provide all my fitness metics to apple health because it is the 'source of truth'. 

I'd rather not have to depend on a 3rd party service to get my Garmin data into apple health.

Personally, I could care less about Apple fitness rings & such.

  • I think you will have to go 3rd party.  As you can see here, the Garmin Implimentation doesn't work, but even the Strava solution only writes summary data as well (which does solve for people who just want the rings).  Unless Garmin really steps up and writes the full details from the .fit file, you won't get HealthKit to be your central source of data (which is what Apple intended).  If they did write all of it, it would however give you heart rate graphs, second by second speed, maps, etc..   RunGap does that today, and so far is the best solution I've found.  (Garmin could also be writing things like VO2 max, O2 sat, etc. since they have that if you are wearing the watch all day, but I think the big use case most people are solving for is wearing the Apple Watch 20+ Horus a day, and using a Garmin to record workouts, whether a run, ride, swim, etc. because Garmin hardware is better suited for that specific use.  Garmin doesn't seem to be embracing a 'second device' eco system, so their software doesn't play nice with other companies.  I wish they would change their mind as I've used (and still use) their stuff for years), but the market will evenutaully decide.

  • As you can see here, the Garmin Implimentation doesn't work,

    The garmin implementation works fine ... for the data it provides.

    What is lacking (rather conspicuously, imo) is cycling data, VO2 max, and other bits of information that garmin has and Apple health can consume.

    IMO, Garmin should provide every bit of data it collects to Apple health that it can.

  • fallingrock - Are you syncing Garmin direct to Apple health now ? If so are you getting avg. heart rate info ? Like you i rather not use Strava anymore and just link direct from Garmin... So my set up now is Garmin - Apple Health , but when i do a workout i do not see anything populated for Avg. heart rate.. Im wondering do i need to use a chest strap linked to my garmin to get this data ? 


  • I'm syncing some metrics, yes ... but not all.

  • . By "working fine", are you getting start and end times for your calories burned in Health, not getting duplicate distances for run_walk, etc.?   There are a lot of folks looking to resolve those issues, so I'm curious how yours is working.    

    I 100% agree with you on the other data though.  Garmin makes money off of their hardware, not their software.  So why are they allowing a broken and incomplete implementation of Health kit to lock you out of Apple's eco-system?