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Apple Health Activity Ring does not fill after workout is completed on a Garmin device (Request for improvement on how Garmin Connect writes data to Apple HealthKit SDK)

Hello, I use my Garmin Fenix 6 for all my workouts and my Apple Watch 7 for daily use. When completed a workout, Garmin Connect synchronizes with Apple Health. Apple Health sees the workout data but does not fill the activity ring. Could anyone provide a solution to this? I see its a common problem among Garmin - Apple users. Garmin, please take care of this!! Thank you!

  • I just wanna say that yeah, it would be cool to fill the activity rings, but really, who cares?

    You have the garmin app, it provides you better insights to your health, why are you even looking at your rings anymore? The reason you bought into garmin is the health features, so use them? 

    Whats the purpose of looking to see if your 30 minute green apple ring is filled up, then opening your garmin app and looking there too? 

    This request seems a bit petty to continually complain about. Lets try to make the best of garmin's features!!!

  • Obviously people do care. That is why this is one of the longest threads still alive. You don’t care so feel free to leave :-) bye!

  • I'm going to take 4858554 at face value and actually respond as it is a fair question: who cares?  The answer is that people who are motivated more by the ring model than Garmin's step model for daily activity.  It's a personal preference thing.  Some folks might not bother looking in Connect because the rings are enough (or better for them).  Others might want to use the rings as a general guide, but Connect as a more detailed fitness tool.  

    The reason people are upset about this is that Garmin calls it a feature of most of their devices.  If you look at the marketing material, Garmin claims to have Apple Health Integration and then lists all the data that should come over.  However, it's broken.  It comes over in a non-standard unexpected way that at best makes it worthless, and at worst actually makes the overall data completely wrong.  The fact that Garmin spent months/years saying there was no problem and then that it was Apple's fault before stating that they know it's broken but they aren't going to fix it doesn't help.

    The reason people are disappointed as well as upset is that this could be a great feature.  The security and sharing model on Apple Health is fantastic.  It allows the user to determine by app and by data type what access is given, and allows it to be revoked at any time.  For those who don't want all their data in the cloud (or simply want finer grained control) that's a very appealing model.  And once the data gets into HealthKit, it can be combined with any other apps or data sources you want.  Connect works really well if everything you use is Garmin branded.  But if you have a Withings Scale, or want to use a fitbit to track steps during the day rather than a forerunner, or have a oura ring that you use to track sleep because you don't want to wear a watch to bed, then than that model fails horribly.    The basic ask here is for the data that Garmin collects on us be readily available in HealthKit.  (which is advertised as a feature).  What we really want to see however is true two way sync.   

    I get that Garmin wants to sell scales, but they should do that by making a better scale, not by making it VERY difficult to get fat% metrics into Connect.    Many of us want to use an Apple watch during the day because it is vastly better at being a smart watch than garmin, but want to wear a garmin when running 13 miles because the garmin is a much better sports watch.   What Garmin is doing here is forcing people to chose one or the other (or have an incomplete/incorrect picture of their day to day metrics).     As much as people mock Apple for their walled garden approach, it's 100% Garmin that is doing that here.  And some of us really don't like it.  

  • I do agree with the scale issue....... I fit a fit-index scale and the main developer said garmin wants too much for a direct sync. they sync with apple health though!

  • Well said …. Now if Garmin would just listen and fix it already many folks will be happy … if strava can do it why can’t Garmin ,and actually it’s just the move ring so half way there 

  • Hi all, with all the recent updates to Garmin connect can anyone confirm if this issue with apple health has been fixed ? 

  • It’s not in the release notes, so why would it?

  • Has anyone tried with the new Garmin connect update and iOS 16 beta  combo ? I tried today and my exercise ring moves and my move ring does move but only about half of what my workout was .  Glitch or maybe it’s working itself out ? 

  • Dont get your hopes up. Garmin’s healthkit integration is poor at best. A real train wreck. They shouldnt even be allowed to market it. Obviously they have no clue what they are doing with it. 

  • I agree .. I was hoping iOS 16 would help In some way of getting it to work properly ….what a shame Garmin makes it so difficult.. but I’m the meantime rungap does work well as an alternative if you like using both .