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alphaNumeric type app setting does not accept <, >, & and \ characters

From the Garmin documentation ( there is no mention that alphaNumeric type does not accept <, >, & and \ characters. These characters are accepted by Garmin Connect Mobile Android so I don't see why wouldn't be they accepted in iOS. Garmin Connect Mobile iOS even behaves differently when trying to save the mentioned characters:
- When using & character, the character and content after it will be removed upon saving (e.g. "ab&c" will be saved as "ab")
- When using \ character, the character will be removed upon saving (e.g. "ab\c" will be saved as "abc")
- When using < or > character, the whole string is cleared upon saving (e.g. "a<b" will be saved as "") and then you get redirected to an unavailable page: