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Connect 4.37 no longer syncing with with Apple Health.

This morning (I’m in Europe), 13. Nov 2020, Garmin Connect had updated to v4.37 overnight.

Now Connect will sync with my Approach S60 and my Index Smart Scale, but not with Apple Health - and what’s more, all the previous data for the last few years have been deleted from Apple Health as well. The data is in Connect, but not in Health.

iOS version 14.1

  • Very interesting what I found.... read in “historical sync” section

    30 past days is a limit set by garmin versus third party access, customer care don’t know how works their system?????

    I hate this company

  • The problem is because THEY deleted all the data with the bugged revision. This is not Apple. Now it is working like it was before. It update the last 30 days BUT, it keep all data since October 22. Here, we try to find a way to get the older data back. This should come from Garmin because THEY are responsible for this bug. 

  • Sure, garmin should change their API, otherwise no apps (apple health or whatever you like) can upload data older 30 days past.

    The worst thing is, in my opinion, that it is clear that Garmin treats our sensitive data as they were his property.

    I think it is essential that we can produce our data.

    Tomorrow I could change from IOS to Android or any other system, but in each moment I must have possibility to take my data where I want.

  • As it's becoming obvious that Garmin are not going to do anything about restoring the deleted data I've contacted them to ask for a copy of my data so that I can then contact Apple and see if they can do anything to restore the deleted data - I imagine they should be able to import it somehow.  I would suggest that everyone else does this as well since if they get enough requests for users data they might reconsider and fix the issue themselves.

    I've also taken the suggestion of submitting a review of the app and plan to email support in the future before installing any updates to ask them if it will delete my data Slight smile.  I can live without the Apple Health data, but I prefer the user interface in Health and think that Garmin shouldn't advertise features if they are not going to support them properly.

  • I went ahead and got rungap for $2.99 and was able to restore all data in about 10min. Yes, it shouldn't have happened but now I have a backup of all my data in case this ever happens again. Also, my time is worth more than f'ing with this for weeks. 

  • Me too, using rungap from many time and it’s better than garmin (import also routes).

    But this not fix about steps, calories, sleep, stairs, weight, hr Disappointed

  • my Connect app finally transferred the last 30 days of data to Health. but as you noted, years for data that used to sit in Health are no still missing and it's not apple's fault because this didn't happen during an iOS update. it happened due to Garmin doing something with their app.

    hoping they will eventually fix this but i'm not holding my breathe...

  • I have bought me a Polar watch with the intension to never by any Garmin products again after they deleted all my personal health data of many years from my phone. Goodbye Garmin!

  • Are you able to migrate data from garmin to polar or lose them?


  • I have not migrated the data yet, but I have downloaded it all from GC and stored in locally inside a sqlite db. Im still working on a method to import the data back via Apple HealthKit.