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Apple Health displays double the calories and steps after physical activity.


after the latest update of Garmin Connect, Apple health displays the double of calories and steps after physical activity (e.g. running). 
The values are correct in Garmin Connect, but if I open Health and ask to visualize the source data, I see that Garmin Connect is sending a packet with twice the value. As it was counting the calories, steps, and distance from running on top of the running itself. 

Could you please check it?


i use a Vivoactive 3, but I don’t think that the issue comes from the watch. 

  • I honestly don't think Garmin is going to fix it.

    This has been going on now for years. I've spent months working with their support.

    Here's their literal response: "Unfortunately, these other companies have chosen not to make their products compatible with ours."

    It's comical as other companies, like Peloton, have no trouble writing calorie data to apple health.

  • Come on Garmin, this has been broken forever. Please fix this.

  • Just want to add my voice here. I'm using Apple health to get my Garming data to other downstream apps and this is anoying. Please fix

  • Come on guys, they are competitors: they will never fix their broken Apple Health integration.

    You will all receive the same pasted comment: "We do everything correctly but Apple APIs are bugged", despite the fact that hundreds of other developers perfectly support Apple Health integration with no issues whatsoever.

  • You are assuming a nefarious mastermind where I think incompetence is rather the explanation. My guess would be that Garmin is primarily a hardware company that sits on a huge pile of poorly written software and technical debt.  So fixing an issue that seems so simple is actually so costly to them, that they accept a thread like this going on for years. 
    I doubt they would profit economically by not integrating with Apple Health. 

  • You are assuming a nefarious mastermind

    I assume business decisions. Decisions like that are probably more common than you know, no offense intended. With a proper Apple integration they know I would jump the ship as soon as Apple releases a rugged version of its Watch. 

    With data so tightly integrated in Garmin Connect I would at least think twice before that.

  • Garmin struggles because Apple's watches are so much better for day to day use.  I'd say they are just objectively better for average people for daily use.

    The flip side is true for outdoor activities - the battery life, ruggedness, etc is better on the Garmin side by a long shot.

    Both are purpose built tools.

    The issue I have with Garmin is this: Either fix the integration or remove it, this middle ground is *** and makes me want to use Garmin even less

    I much prefer my Apple watch daily, but I use my Garmin watch for hiking, biking, kayaking, etc.  If Garmin wants to keep me around, then making data more available is better.

    I guess what I'm saying is I both understand and agree with you, but in my situation, the current integration status is making me LESS likely to stick with Garmin.

  • I guess what I'm saying is I both understand and agree with you, but in my situation, the current integration status is making me LESS likely to stick with Garmin.

    Well, that’s already a reality for me, having switched off pretty much any write capabilities for Apple Health APIs on Garmin Connect Source. I basically have two systems: one populated by the iPhone itself and any health related app, and the other is Garmin Connect.

  • Same - but I use Rungap to move workout data to apple health.  It at least can properly translate the data.

  • I found that when walking with the iphone - I get double number of steps because borh Garmin’s and the iPhone data are send to Health.

    Ehen I delete the data from the internal iPhone sensor all is fine.

    Garmin and Health app show the same data.