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iOS Battery drain und Background Activity

For a few days now, I've noticed that Garmin Connect constantly causes background activity. Even when sleeping, GC is active every hour for about 30 - 40 minutes. GC is number 1 battery consumer, although I don't open the app very often.
How does this look like for other users ? Does anyone observe the same problems ?

Fenix 6X Pro Solar, iPhone 11 Pro, GC Version V

  • I have a similar problem. Garmin Connect app is doing some - more or less constant - background activity, when my Edgde 830 is switched on. I wrote to Garmin support, but until now they only came up with the usual suggestion - hard / factory reset of the Edge and a complete reinstall of the app. That didn't help. I sent them log data of the app, I hope they will find something.

    Edge 830 firmware 5.50, iPhone SE, GC version 4.31

  • After sending log data to the support, they asked again, if I have the current firmware / app version installed. Obviously they didn't go through the data, because it's all in there.

    Meanwhile I suspect the feature "find my edge" to be responsible for my problem. As soon as I switch on my Edge, a lot of communication between the Edge and the app is ongoing - mostly location updates, which are needed for this feature. Does something like "find my fenix" exist too?