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PLEASE HELP: Steps keep resetting to 8810


Hope someone can help. I have had a Forerunner 645M for 18 months, and for the last couple of days I've been trying a Fenix 6. Due to a screen defect with the Fenx 6 I am returning it so I removed it from my Garmin account and checked that the Forerunner 645M shows as the primary (only) device.

I am now finding that whenever I sync to the Garmin Servers my steps reset to 8810 even if they were previously showing as higher on my watch/Garmin Mobile iOS app. 

See below and notice the time stamps (all from today)

Showing 10,426 steps

Sync and now resets to 8810

But steps still show as having occurred during the afternoon (the 8810 number would be from around 12:00 midday)

And finally Garmin Connect Web comparison of activity/movement vs steps shows steps stopping at 12:00 even though that is incorrect

Please help as this is driving me nuts. I've removed the 645M from my profile, reattached it, logged out, logged in.
