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Data for this activity could not be loaded...

I use the iOS Connect app on an iPhone 7+, accessing data from an Edge 820. For activities recorded on, and after 01/28/2019, I am not able to view activity details on the app, even though I am able to see the details when I log into the website. On the app I get a “Data for this activity could not be loaded. Pull to refresh” message. When I pull down nothing happens. Note that up until about a week ago I was able to access these activity details on the app.

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  • Having the same problem but on an iPhone X. For me it seemed to start when I updated to iOS 12.1.4. Garmin Connect version
  • I have the same issue. I posted a thread about it
  • Did you ever find a fix?  For the last 3 weeks, for no obvious reason, I am experiencing exactly the same issue on my Edge and iPhone 4s.  All has worked fine for 3 years prior to the problem starting recently. I have googled for an answer but can’t find anything for this specific issue. I have tried some of the solutions mentioned for similar (but not identical) problems but nothing has worked.  Anybody out there with a fix for this annoying issue?

    i could not find the thread mentioned by GuillRam. 

  • I have just started getting this issue too

  • I have just started getting this issue too

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to BJF555

    i could not find the thread mentioned by GuillRam. 

    is this it ? cannot-visualize-activities-detail

    happy & safe sporting

  • Thanks OnlyTwo,

    The other thread talks about similar problems but offers no definite solution.  Strangely after syncing following this morning’s ride I can see the details for the ride on the iPhone app as well as the server. I still cannot see the details on my iPhone of the three recent rides I had problems with before. I have absolutely no idea why it is working OK today. Even more strangely though was that my riding partner, again with an iPhone and Edge 25 setup, could not see his ride details in the app today  and got the error message.  Thisis the first time it has happened to him and he had made no changes to his Edge25 or iPhone since yesterday’s ride when his ride  details could be viewed on the app normally  

    No idea why this is happening nor what the fix is. Just happy that it seems to have mysteriously fixed itself after a couple of weeks, for me at least. 

  • Similar problem.  Runs are showing on phone after syncing, but for some no detail is accessible ( "data for this activity could not be loaded pull to refresh" though nothing happens when you do), even though the data is available to view on Connect via my laptop.  Frustrating.

  • Like BJF555 my last two syncs now show all details.  Though I still get the issue for the previous ones.  I can however see all details on both the android connect app and on a pc.  The issue would seem to be ios related