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What is "Activity Class" and how do I use it?

I am using a Garmin Instinct. I have no idea what activity class means or how to use it. There is NOTHING (that I can find) in the Garmin Support section or manual about Activity Class.
  • The intention is that you should tell your watch if you are an active person. Which seems kind of silly, given that the watch is logging a lot of information about your activity level.

    So Garmin, with all their information collected from all of their watches, should be in a better position to pick the correct activity class for us.

    Rant aside: I have seen a lot of problems, especially with calories counting, when people picked a very high activity class, or a very low, non-zero activity class. I have set mine to 0, and I haven't had any of these problems.
  • Hah! That's exactly what I think. I'm new to this, but mine is at 0 and it seems fine to me.
  • Sandy_Murray not sure what you mean by no information from Garmin. I know on manuals for various Garmin devices it is listed but if you look here it explains

  • That page has mislead a lot of people. It is very easy to place yourself in a too high activity class by following these recommendations. It has been discussed in other threads, and the consensus seems to be that those hours listed in the tables are hours of rather high intensity training.
  • Yes I've seen it discussed often but never with any real conclusions. The key division seems to be into Athlete class (8 and above) and Other - I'm not convinced that the other levels actually influence anything very much other than calories burned estimates which are always going to be wildly innaccurate anyway.
  • JSrunner. Thank you for the reference. it was helpful. However I don’t think as an owner of a Garmin instinct that I should have to search for this through the manuals for every other device to finally find it in the manuals for the Felix 5 or nuvi2595LMT.
  • JSrunner, ooops I failed to notice that the 0745 post was also from you and also helpful. Thanks.