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No Strava in 3rd party apps

Hi guys, hoping someone can help, I have searched the forums but still have no definitive answer, or solution to this frustrating (for me) issue.
I have the Fenix 5x, and bought it for the simple to sync to Strava function. However this is not the case because I cannot see Strava listed in 3rd party apps.
Can someone help with this issue?, I know I can manually upload to Strava, but I want this process to autonomous...
many thanks in advance.
???????martin... a slightly peeved new 5x owner
  • Go in via Strava app settings/applications, services and devices
  • With all due respect, I have set this option on Strava app. The issue I believe is that I need to set this on the Garmin side via 3rd party apps... i need to see this displayed on the Garmin side to push the activity to Strava
  • Try going in via computer internet version of Garmin Connect, if you haven’t tried it.
    If you’ve done that already then it would help if you gave us all the information about what you have tried.

    edit: I just checked Garmin Connect in internet Browser on IPad and the connection point for Strava is in ‘Account Information’. It is in the section ‘Profile & Account’
  • Yes, Strava needs to show up under GCM's 3rd party apps, but at least in the case of strava, connecting the two accounts should be a single step in the Strava app or

    When you set the option on the Strava app, I assume it asked you to log in to your GC account and grant permission to connect them? Maybe there's a glitch in the Strava app.

    You can also connect using a web browser. Try this:
    1) In your strava app, disconnect your Garmin account
    2) In a web browser, open
    3) Click "+" > Upload Activity > Garmin - Get Started > Connect with Garmin
    4) A pop-up (from should appear, with a request for authorization

    I just tried those steps (after disconnecting my accounts) and it seems to work. I didn't have to take any additional action on the GC website or app.

    Strava should now show up under both the Garmin Connect website (Profile Icon > Settings > Account Settings > Account Information) and the GC App (3rd party apps). Please let us know what you see in both of those places after trying those steps.
  • Well this has me completely stumped. I did all of the above but to no avail.
    i Have been on the web, and logged on, however, the net version is not replicated with what is on my phone, nor will it allow me to register my new Fenix 5..
    i have tried to use Garmin Express to register my device, however because I am using an iPad this isn’t working either..
    i then tried to delete my account from GC on the iPad, can’t do that either...
    all I want to see is on my iPhone on 3rd party apps is the Strava icon... surely it can’t be this hard.. can it??
  • Could be that your watch was "halfway registered" or something, since it doesn't show up on the GC website. Like maybe the app thinks your account is connected to the device, but it really isn't fully connected? The GC website, GC Express and any installed GC apps should all agree on what devices you have, since the data should be associated with your account and not any one app or website. In particular, I don't see how syncing via Wi-Fi or USB could possibly work if the website doesn't know about your device. Even syncing with the mobile app shouldn't work, since the backend is still the same as the Garmin website.

    (e.g. I use GCM on both iPhone and iPad and naturally they're in agreement, as is the website and Garmin Express. Ofc, I'm logged in with the same GC account on all of those different places.) I have had problems when I switched GCE from one account to another for testing purposes (long story), which basically had me syncing with two different accounts at different times, but I assume that's not the case here. I also had some problems when trying to pair my phone and my watch after factory reset, but unfortunately I don't really remember what I might've done to fix that (it was a year ago), other than deleting the GCM app and starting over.

    Also, I'm not sure why Garmin Express wouldn't work due to the fact that you're using an iPad. You should be able to use GE and GCM pretty much independently of each other.

    Couple of things to try:

    * You could try logging out of your account in the GCM app and logging in again. (Settings > Sign Out).

    * Or you could try deleting the GCM app from your iPad which would clear the app data, then reinstalling.

    If signing out or deleting GCM doesn't help at all, I would contact [EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL].

    Good luck!
  • Ok, thanks to those that have spent the time and tried to help.
    update on issue: downloaded Garmin Express, added my device, all good, device syncs to connect and posts to Strava but only when the watch is plugged into the computer.
    Me being the lazy type is still not happy, it’s no different from my old workflow with the edge devices that I own.
    I did think that the mobile app and web version would sync? If that were to happen then it would post to Strava. So now I have a new problem lol!!
    So, I’m still trying to figure out how to get Strava to show in 3rd party apps. No luck here.
    next issue, how to get GC mobile app to sync with the web version, if I can get this, then at least I have a workaround.
    If anyone can shed some light here it would be much appreciated!!!
    Failing that I’ll be heading to product support.
    thanks all!!
  • Do you have more than one email address? Is it possible you accidentally made 2 garmin accounts and are using a different account for Express/GC web versus GC mobile?

    Like I said, the app and website are just two different ways of looking at the same data, so as long you're logged into the same account, you shouldn't be seeing two different things. The app and website don't sync with each other per se, they just grab your data from your Garmin Connect account. If your app is logged on to the same account that you use with Garmin Express and website, then you should be seeing the same thing in both places. There's no additional work to be done.

    So it really sounds to me like you've somehow been logged in to two different accounts, or maybe there's some issue on Garmin's end. Did you try signing out of GC Mobile like I suggested?

    In the website, click on your Profile Icon > Account Settings > Account Information to see the email address associated with that account. (You can sign into GC with either a username or email address, so this would be a good way to know what email address you are using for sure.)
    In the app, sign out of your account (Settings > Sign Out) and sign back in with the same email address.

    If that still doesn't work, delete the GC Mobile app and install it again. You won't lose any data, because everything is in your account on Garmin's servers.

    If you're still not seeing the same things in the app and the website, then you should contact Garmin.

    Also, does Wi-Fi syncing work? I assume that it should, after you set up your WiFi network through Garmin Express, especially syncing with the cable and GE works. I actually find it a lot more convenient and quick than bluetooth syncing, unless ofc I'm out of town and don't have my own WiFi network to sync with. I mean, I would still try to fix this problem so I could see my stats on my phone/tablet, but whatever problem you're having with your mobile app would be completely bypassed if you used WiFi sync.