I'm curious if I purchase scale that syncs with Apple Heath and automatically updates my weight, biometrics, etc. will that in turn sync to the Garmin Connect app (from Apple Health)?
Thank you,
It seems my choice of step source was what caused my weight readings not to sync across to Garmin Connect. I have been using my 230 as an activity tracker and set that as the step source in MyFitnessPal and now my weight syncs across automatically from Withings to MyFitnessPal and on to Garmin Connect.
Well Apple Health have more data from me, But Garmin Connect dont show them in me dashboard.
Same whit export data out me EX Fitbit account, cince they sell thier soul to Bigtech google. I am use Garmin now.
Apple Health Sync to German dont work proper. so no any old arvhief from years back will export to garmin conect / website