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Garmin Connect Mobile and Apple Health Link?

Hi Everyone!

I Just bought a Vivosmart HR and I already have a Garmin Edge 510.

So, i added the Vivosmart and configured it but the only place I see a mention of Apple Health is in the "Third Party Apps" item on settings, but, Strava and My Fitness Pal shows a button to link the services, and the Apple Health has 3 descriptions screens but none option to request the link, and in the Apple Health App, it lists just Strava and Polar Flow (I previously had a Polar Loop band), again, none option for Garmin too.

I already tried to remove and reinstall the GCM with any success.

I am using the lastest version of GCM, my Vivosmart HR is updated and my phone is a iPhone6 with iOS9.3

Thanks in advance!