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Pairing VivoSmart to phone - but where is the PIN?

I bought a VivoSmart tonight. The instructions that came with it had exactly and only 5 steps:
1 - Align charger posts and connect charging clip. Did that.
2 - Plug charger into power source. Did that - plugged the USB port on my laptop. The battery icon appeared.
3 - Go to garminconnect/vivosmart on phone's browser. Did that.
4 - Install and open Garmin Connect Mobile App. Did that using the Google Play Store.
5 - Follow instructions on screen to pair the device and phone. Did that and it doesn't work.

The app shows a pop-up that says

Bluetooth pairing request
To pair with:
vivosmart #-----------------
Enter that device's PIN:
(Try 0000 or 1234)

Tapped the pop-up, typed in 0000 and clicked ok and geot an error:

Unable to communicate with vivosmart #--------------. Incorrect PIN or password.

Ummmmm....... huh? It's brand-new, out of the box less than 20 minutes the first time I tried. I get the same response using 1234 or 9999.

So how exactly am I supposed to pair this device if it needs a PIN that I have no way to find?

Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Android 5.0
  • The instructions are a bit skimpy and could be confusing for newbies.

    In fact is there are 2 pairings to be done. One is with the PC.
    The other is with your phone.

    To pair with the phone, the vivosmart should not be attached to the clip. Also, your vivosmart needs to be paired with the Connect app on your phone - not directly with your phone. If you paired with your phone, forget the device.

    1. Download the Garmin Connect app from google play.
    2. Open the app. On the 3 line menu go to devices.
    3. In the vivosmart, press the display and scroll to the bluetooth icon. Select Pair
    4. In the app, press the plus (+) sign to add the vivosmart.
    5. You should get the PIN number at this point.

    As for your PC,

    1. Install Garmin Express.
    2. Attach your vivosmart with the usb icon showing.
    3. Add the device to Express.

    Go to devices and press plus to add the VS.

    Hope this helps.
  • Thank you, Phil! You have just saved my sanity. Following your instructions, my vivosmart and my phone paired on the first attempt.

    I think I'll waddle down to the corner and back to celebrate. :D
  • Thank you, this was very helpful.  I must have spent at least an hour until I gave up and goggled it for an answer, Spot on!