Pop-up keyboard covers exercise list, non-scrollable list

When editing the list of exercises in Strength activity (just to change the number of reps for example), it is possible to scroll the list so that the pop-up keyboard does not cover the last few lines of the list. There is a bug in Cardio exercises where the keyboard always covers the last few lines of the exercise list and the list cannot be scrolled.

Garmin please fix it.

  • I cannot reproduce the issue - I can scroll the screen even with the keyboard on, and I can also hide the keyboard, if necessary, by tapping the arrow down symbol at the bottom left of the keyboard. And even if nothing of the above works for you, then you can still enter a keyword into the search box, in order to shorten the list of matching exercises.

  • Hiding the pop-up keyboard is always possible. I didn't say that it can't be done.

    The issue is that when you edit the number of reps for a Cardio activity and you have more than 14 rows on the list (I have 18), you can't scroll below 14 row when you have the pop-up keyboard on top. I have to hide the keyboard every time to get to a row below 14. (I guess n=14 is due to the screen resolution, for screens with different resolutions the value of n may be different).

    And now try the same with Strength activity. Can you see the difference? No issue at all.

    How many rows did the exercise list you tested have?

  • How many rows did the exercise list you tested have?

    It does not matter. I can always scroll to the very end (last line), regardless how many exercises are there, and regardless whether the keyboard is visible or not.

  • The following two screenshots are from a Cardio activity, with and without the keyboard. Both screenshots show the very last line from the list of certainly more than a hundred of exercises:


  • The screenshots you show don't look like a saved and edited Cardio activity. And I mean a saved Cardio activity in which I want to edit the number of reps, because the watch always incorrectly determines the number of reps.

    For me it looks like this (see screenshot). You can't scroll the list lower than what you see on the screenshot if you have the pop-up keyboard on top. And the list has a dozen or so lines below.

  • My screenshots are from adding or editing an exercise type of a Cardio activity. I'll have to create an activity with some higher number of rounds, in order to test it. Will do later this evening. 

  • OK, so I added over 20 random exercises to the Cardio workout, and tested it. When I tap the Reps or Weight field of a row at the bottom, and the keyboard pops up, the list always scroll up so, that the row I tapped is visible above the keyboard, even if it were the very last one. So the keyboard does not prevent me to edit the row.


  • OK, so we need to be more precise.

    CASE 1:
    Do a Cardio workout with 20 exercises and Save.
    In the saved workout, edit the Reps field one by one, starting from row 1.
    Edit the Reps field for rows 1-4: when you scroll, the keyboard DISAPPEARS and you CAN scroll to the last row
    Edit the Reps field for rows 5-14: when you scroll, the keyboard DOES NOT DISAPPEAR and you CAN'T scroll to the last row, you can only scroll to row 13
    Edit the Reps field for rows 15-20: when you scroll, the keyboard DISAPPEARS and you CAN scroll to the last row

    CASE 2:
    Now do a Strength workout with 20 exercises and Save.
    In the saved workout, edit the Reps field one by one, starting from row 1
    Edit the Reps field for rows 1-20: when you scroll, the keyboard DOES NOT DISAPPEAR and you CAN scroll to the last row.

    In CASE 1 editing the Reps field one by one (starting from row 1) is difficult for rows 14-20, which is not the case in CASE 2, where editing the Reps field is easy for all rows, because you have easy access to all rows by scrolling and you have easy access to keyboard since it is always on top.

    Do this experiment and you will notice different keyboard and scrolling behavior for Cardio and Strength workout. What is the reason for this difference? Why can't it be the same for Cardio as for Strength workout?

  • Why can't it be the same for Cardio as for Strength workout?

    No idea, and I already lost enough time with it and am not going to dig into more. You will have to ask Garmin's Support, but  I bet they will not know either. And I am skeptical about them doing anything to change it, since it is just a minor unimportant inconvenience, in no way preventing you from editing the activity as you need, so it will not be assigned any high priority.