Search in activities

Do you know why Garmin don't put search in activities in android app.

I see that people ask for this 9 years ago, 9 ears not enough to put search in android app i can believe it.

How you proceed when you want to send old track to watch to do it again? Scrolling hundred of activities while you find it or open WEB version on the phone?

Do you know are this simple important feature is planed to be in some of updates.

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  • How you proceed when you want to send old track to watch to do it again?

    I use Garmin Connect Web - not only there is the advanced activity search, but is it much better and more complete app in many aspects. The phone app has only a quite limited subset of all functions available in GC Web. Besides that, I prefer looking at the stats on a big screen of a computer anyway.

    We can only speculate why it is so, but besides the development costs, it is certainly also in order to limit the size of the app. People tend to complain that it takes too much memory already now, even with the limited functionality, let alone what problems it would cause if the app was double or triple its size, if they integrated all the functionality of GC Web.

  • Thank you for answer, usually i do the same, but this is when activity is planed. Some times I want do it on the field and in this case I open GC WEB on the phone but it's not good to work with this on small monitor.
    I don't believe that it's so big problem to put the search, because other companies analogs all ready heave it like (strava, suunto app etc.)  and it's working fine on the phone.

  • I recommend suggesting it to Garmin at Share Ideas | Garmin 

  • Thank you, I did it but without much hope that this will change anything.