BUG. Unable to export GPX and FIT files


It seems that is impossible to export .FIT and .GPX files using the new interface of Garmin Connect of the Mobile Application. This feature was previously there and is like it has been forgotten for the new UI. All applications of other watches can also do it.

Why it is so important?

- Sometimes you need to export the tracks to third party sites (i.e, wikiloc)

- Sometimes you need to export the tracks for your friends, which are not using your devices.

- Sometimes you need to export the tracks and the workout data for external 3rd party sites and/or non Garmin devices.

- You should not be obligued to carry a computer with you to do it.


  • You can export activities to FIT, GPX, TCX, and KLM files with Garmin Connect Web and you do not need a computer for that. You can do it on a phone too - every smartphone has a browser. The export, as far as I remember, was never in the app, only on the web version of Garmin Connect.

  • It was there trux. I have exported tracks from the FR935 that is wearing my wife using the old interface. I remember very well because I have used her device to export several tracks (and she does not even remember her GC password).

    Even if you can access the web version, it is not a practical thing to ask the users to depend in that when the feature should be inside the application with just pushing a button. There's people that does not even know about Garmin Connect Web (and that means that this is a probably missing thing for many people).

    And in fact, it is something that everybody has inside their respective applications (not only the old interface of GC), and a good thing to have for the users. 

    It is also something that I imagine that should be pretty easy and fast to include.

  • It was there trux.

    I bet it was not, but may be wrong, of course. You can verify it easily though - if you remember when it was still available, install the older app version from apkmirror.com and let us know whether it was really that case.

    Otherwise, if you need to export activities, the web version is currently your only choice (unless you really find an older app version having that feature). I cannot help you better. You can suggest it to Garmin at Share Ideas | Garmin, but even if they eventually decide adding such functionality in a few months or years, in the time being GC web is the only way.

  • ... you may be perhaps confusing Garmin Connect with Garmin Explore - there you can indeed share an activity as a GPX track. So that's another way you can use, apart of GC Web. 

  • The thing, even if it not was there (I'm sure it was), it should be there. This is not an idea, but a fix.

    I'm not confusing GC with Garmin Explorer. I have had many Garmin devices for many many years (now an FR965).

    But as said, there are many use cases.

    The old interface was much much better, btw. But this is another thing. 

  • This is not an idea, but a fix.

    Again, the user forum can't help you in other way than suggesting the available workarounds - GC Web or Garmin Explore. If you believe it is a bug needing a fix, then I recommend reaching out to the Product Support through their website at https://support.garmin.com.

  • I understand. And thanks for your help trux