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Navigation Alerts Break Headphone Audio

I was following a course on my Forerunner 965 and was also listening to audio on my headphones. Navigation alerts took over the audio and then audio resumed just fine for the "turn <direction> in <distance>" and for the "next, turn <direction> in <longer distance>". But the alert to "turn <direction>" got stuck in a loop where all it could get out was "tur-" followed by a sub-second clip of my audio, "tur-", audio, "tur-", audio. I couldn't get it to pause on my headphones. I tried turning them off and back on and it restarted. I was finally able to pause audio via my phone's screen and it spit out the full "turn <direction>" and was able to resume audio after that. But at the next turn the same thing happened. I was able to avoid it by manually pausing before the "turn <direction>" alert. 

I'm assuming this is a Connect bug since my headphones were connected only to my phone. I know there's a report in the 965 forum to remove the navigation audio alerts altogether. For now, I've turned them off from Connect via More... -> Garmin Devices -> Forerunner 965 -> Navigation -> Alerts -> Turn Prompts (off). I haven't tested whether that turns off the beep/vibrate alerts on my 965 or not. 

  • In the FR955 forum I mentioned the same errors. But I am convinced it is caused by the recent Spotify app. Do you use Spotify for listening to music or podcast? And ha it updated recently? To which version? Please help me figure this out!

  • Yes, it was a Spotify podcast, so you may be on to something. Was it a particular navigation alert for you like it was for me?

    Another thing that sticks out was that sometimes the alerts were out of order where I would get the "Next, turn..." before the "turn..." alert. 

  • I never had spoken navigation instructions before because i was NOT updating firmware on purpose. There were too many issues, so I was stuck to fw18.xx for a long time. Last weekend was my first experience after updating to 20.26. And I noticed the instructions seem to come in the wrong order sometimes. But in fact it happens when directionf follow up quickly because a lot of course changes are ahead. So the directions tell me something like this:

    - Soon turn left (bend 1)
    - Soon turn right (bend 2)
    - Turn left (bend 1)
    - turn right (bend 2)

    So directions for two nearby bends get tangled and prompted in the wrong order. When bend are further away from each other, there is no problem. I got used to it, so for me it is not a big issue.

    Read my post in the FR955 forum for my experience.

    If more people experience this, please let us know. We can try to figure out what is the cause and tell either Garmin, or Spotify

  • I updated to 20.29 but unfortunately no improvement. I ran without course directions today, but my audio prompt for average tempo and tempo per round is also stuttering and causing Spotify to freeze. It is almost like the Spotify app and the Connect app are fighting on the phone over who is the boss.