Cycling Personal Records

Cycling records are not correct.  If did a 40.3K ride and it shows it as my PR for 40K.  However, it calculates the speed based on the overall time of 40.3K ride.  Strava calculates this correctly.  So my PR is crap on Garmin, I have to look at Strava.  Any fix for this? 

  • Any fix for this? 

    Yes, you can edit any PR.

  • Yes, that’s true.  But this is just incompetence by Garmin.  It’s not like they are new at this.  They are supposed to be one of the leaders of this industry, and this is a fail.   Do better!

  • In fact it is done in this way intentionally. If you do a 50km ride, the fastest 40km section will be picked and assigned as the record, but if the total distance is close to the concerned record distance, then the distance of the activity gets the priority. That's because if you log a race with officially measured distance, the accuracy is usually better (and mor important) than what the device can measure, hence a slightly longer distance is well possible. So if you want that the device assigns the exact distance, do a bit more than just a few hundreds of meters. Or trim the the activity to the exact distance, and then assign the PR anew. Or edit the PR manually.

  • I don’t think I’ve ever had this issue with Garmin when I run,  So, based on your defense of Garmin, it seems that cycling is treated differently.  You defended Garmin really well, but I question the idea that they do this intentionally.  I think this is just a bug, and no one wants to be trimming or cycling exact distances, it makes no sense.  I guess this is why the vast majority of people rely/use Strava.

  • So, based on your defense of Garmin, it seems that cycling is treated differently.

    No defense, just an explanation, trying to help you understanding how it is supposed to work. Running works in exactly the same way. If you feel it is a bug, I recommend reaching out to the Product Support through their website at

  • Well, if you are right, I feel it makes this even worse.  If I understand your explanation, you are saying that Garmin cherry picks your fastest time out of a distance that your ride.  So, like you said, if you do a 50K ride, and if in that 50K ride there is a 40K record, it counts it as your record, regardless if it's in the first 40K, or if the 40K is somewhere between the beginning and ending, or if its the last 40K.  This is a fail in my book.  How do you know where to improve if Garmin is cherry picking your best interval.  Some people are slow starters and strong finishers, others are the contrary, and some simply perform constant, and if Garmin is cherry picking, it's hard to determine which part of my ride I should work on.

  • if you do a 50K ride, and if in that 50K ride there is a 40K record, it counts it as your record, regardless if it's in the first 40K, or if the 40K is somewhere between the beginning and ending, or if its the last 40K.  This is a fail in my book.

    It is all right for me, and exactly what I want it to do - to detect the fastest 40km I ever did. Not sure what else you would want it to do. The first 40km? Or the last 40km? 

    Some people are slow starters and strong finishers, others are the contrary, and some simply perform constant, and if Garmin is cherry picking, it's hard to determine which part of my ride I should work on.

    If you are a slow starter, the slow start will be ignored, so if you want to improve the record, continue making a slow warm-up, and push more the ending 40 km. 

  • I guess, for each is own.  However, it's not realistic for me.  I don't get to cherry pick in a real race.  I have a starting point and an ending point and the time it takes me to get from starting to the ending point.  I don't get to tell the race officials to use my time from only the last 40k and ignore the first 10k.  This just doesn't make sense to me.  Like the vast majority of users, I'll just use Garmin to record my data and use Strava to look at my numbers.  Thanks for sharing your point of view.

  • I don't get to tell the race officials to use my time from only the last 40k and ignore the first 10k. 

    Frankly told I do not understand how you want to measure the 40k record from a 50km race in other way than taking the fastest 40km section from the race. If you want exact 40k PR, just start the recording when you are already warmed up, and stop it when reaching the 40k distance.

  • There are very few 40 km races that got the distance of 50 km Wink