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Wrong workout pace


I am following Greg coach plan for half marathon on Forerunner 955 19.18 FW and HRM-Pro Plus 8.9 FW.
I have an issue with pace measurement during workout runs. The pace is always too slow in comparison to the real one.

  • For example, when the goal is to run in range 5:33-6:10 and I run at exactly 6:00, watch repeats that I am running too slow. I am sure of my pace, because I tested it with a few colleague runners using Apple watch, another Garmin watch and a Samsung watch to prove that I run with constant 6:00 pace.
  • The second test was to find exact pace that will satisfy my workout plan which will stop repeating that my pace is too slow. Real 5:27 pace is recorded as 6:10.
  • And the last, recommended by garmin coach pace 5:50 is 5:13 in reality, which is pretty challenging for me right now, given that my plan is a half marathon at 1:50:00.

The issue occurs only when doing planned workouts. Out of that the pace is pretty accurate.

I run by feel at the pace recommended by the coach and don't listen to the constant reminder that I'm running too slow to keep training, but it is annoying. In the stats at the end of training, when I have an average pace of 5:45 I have a score ratio of about 13% which is not motivating.

How can I resolve the issue?

Best regards,