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Garmin connect loading super slow

Since a while I'm noticing that my garmin connect app is super slow loading, getting data like HR from free days ago, syncing takes ages.

I have the latest android version of the app. And good internet connection.  

Do others have similar problem?  Any tips or solution?

Thanks in advance Slight smile

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  • my garmin connect app is super slow loading, getting data like HR from free days ago, syncing takes ages.

    Have a look at the thread mentioned below.

    It is about a specific device, but the topic itself is the same.


    Trouble is it's taking 20minutes to sync a couple of days of health data.“… 

  • It was not usefull. Already tried that. 

  • Already tried that. 

    Could you specify what exactly you already tried, to avoid that we repeat the same tips?

  • The tip mentioned in the thread mentioned above. Also reinstalled the app, repaired my watch to the connect app. 

    Somehow when the phone is connected to wifi the garmin app is very slow, while on mobile internet its okay speed. My FR245 is connected via bluetooth to the phone. And in the past it used to work fine with wifi connection and syncing in matter of seconds. 

    And no its not my wifi that is the problem, ohter apps etc work fine with good internet speeds. 

    Perhaps its since the new revamp of the app? Anyone else having similar issue? 

    Other things i could try? 

  • The tip mentioned in the thread mentioned above.

    Which one? There are a number of tips there.

    Somehow when the phone is connected to wifi the garmin app is very slo

    That's exactly the problem discussed in the other thread. More specifically, be sure to have read the post of Derek: 

    Some phone models (and some brands are more known for that than others) use cheap SAW filters (for frequency selection) and insufficient BT & Wi-Fi antenna isolation resulting in interferences between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, because both of them use the same 2.4 GHz band. You may not see much problems at other BT devices, because they mostly use the standard high power BT, so the interferences do not influence the performance so noticeably as they do for the BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy aka BT Smart), which uses much lower power, hence the interferences can harm it considerably.

    You still have several options how to work around it:

    • Maximize the Bluetooth compatibility on the watch as advised in the above mentioned thread (assuming your watch has that option)
    • Disable Wi-Fi when syncing (you'll need a solid Mobile Data connection though)
    • Switch to the 5 GHz Wi-Fi band if your phone and your Wi-Fi router support it
    • On the Wi-Fi router, try forcing a different channel. BLE use 40 channels separated by 2 MHz - from 2402 MHz to 2480 MHz. Wi-Fi uses practically the same frequencies, but with some luck you may find a Wi-Fi channel better isolated from the channels used by BLE.
    • Try updating the firmware and/or resetting the network on the phone. Not very likely to help, since it is usually a hardware problem of the phone model, but it is worth of trying anyway. Some users reported improvement after doing so. Possibly because the reset forced better separated channels.
    • Exchange your phone for another model with a better quality of BT/Wi-Fi isolation (or at least with the 5 GHz Wi-Fi band support)
    • Sync over the Wi-Fi if your watch supports it
    • Sync over the USB cable to a computer with Garmin Express
  • Thanks for your answer. But i dont get why now there is this problem, while few weeks/months ago it was working fine. and its wierd that i only can sync or just use the app with mobile data. So if i dont hace mobile data, and just wifi i would not be able to use the app. 

    Regarding the phone, its not a basic/ cheap phone. Its Samsung s24, pretty recent and high end imo and up to date. 

  • Unfortunately, Samsung is the brand especially known for this kind of problems. Just make a fast googling, and you'll see. Try resetting the network on the phone, the BT channels may get assigned differently. If not, force different channels on your WiFi router. That may be also the reason why it worked earlier - different channels, further appart.

  • cool thanks for answering and taking your time Slight smile. I will have a look