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Triathlon activity breaks run streak

Hi everyone,

I just realized that a multisport triathlon activity (swim, bike, run) does not count to the run streak. I had a run streak of 20 days (or something like that) until yesterday and did a triathlon for training purposes assuming the run within the activity counts to the run streak. I did not double check it yesterday, so I did not do a separate run and my streak is gone now.

I would appreciate if garmin would fix this, because it does not make any sense.

Does anyone have an idea how I could "modulate" the date to get the streak corrected? Smiley

Thanks Slight smile



I just realized that it seems to be a display error. In the garmin connect website dashboard the run does count to the streak, but in the connect app on the phone the streak misses the yesterdays activity. I also checked the badge and it shows the correct data... So everything seems to be fine in the background.