New Garmin connect mobile updated home page is awful

I cannot believe how bad the new Garmin connect home page is. Why remove the ease of viewing my day with one glance of the app?. Now have to scroll through the page to see all the info that was contained in my day section.  On top of that, the user has no ability to bring back the old display or edit it to something similar. This new update is so annoying I suspect my next smart watch won't be a Garmin.

If this home page stays as is, I will no longer be a Garmin user for ANY of their products.

Update to moderator.   Nothing in my original post was "uncivil".  Why do you keep censoring my comments?  


  • Ok, I don't tend to post here, first timer... but am so enraged by this change I had to say something.... I had no idea what this would updated Home would do before I agreed to it, and there's no option to revert (other than a complicated way that I don't feel confident to do...). It doesn't work even as it says it should, I started with one home preset then tried to revert it after lots of things didn't work like moving "tiles" around (bars don't work) and it only offers me the in training one. I hate it so much and want the old screen back... I can't get this to look anything like I want it to. It does make me question how much user feedback and testing they had before launch of this. [Moderated: language]

  • Yeah I also completely agree the new version is horrible.

    In the previous one I had a choice how to present the data - the was expanded and compact view. Now they removed functionality making the app really inconvenient for me.

    Let's hope they refer this nonsense before I upgrade my watch because I wouldn't buy Garmin again with such bad UX

  • I hate the new design. This is ridiculous! Have these developers completely lost their minds?

  • Yes it's a joke!

    I guess the "At a glance" only works for folks with 20/20 vision it's that hard to read Thinking

  • The Garmin Home page makeover update is totally confusing and not user friendly like the previous version. You need to fire the designer and those who approved the latest layout and functionality. No common sense. Did you think to ask the population of Garmin users what they thought of the proposed changes before production launch? You would have save all the negative reviews noted on this page. I may need to consider COROS.

    ****Second look (before chucking my watch to the garbage disposal) after playing around with the layout I somewhat understand. I am still not all in with the new look but I see now that I can select whatever features much easier and I can move each feature to place them in order. There is more data graphics on the first level instead having to drill down. I feel the Garmin users should have been more involve with the UX.before rollout and more heads up that this was going to be happening.

  • Agreed... garmin totally ignored customer feedback.  Terrible interface.  I'll not ever recommend garmin products again 

  • Agree. This update makes it 10X harder to get information quickly. How can I go back to a legacy view?

  • Agree. This update buries information. If it doesn’t improve or go back to the legacy view I’ll be switching to Apple, which I REALLY don’t want to do