How do I turn off the new Garmin for dummies RSI inducing homepage?

The new 5.0 update makes the homescreen a lot less clear with less information and more scrolling and swiping to access it all.

Stuff that was visible at once before is now put into less informative tiles that need a horizontal swipe to see.

The today and 7 day sections show a lot less information.

Can we get the 4.x interface back as an option at least, like it has been in the past months? 

This update seems focused on new users or something, which is fine but it is form over function. I see a lot less information and what is there takes a lot more scrolling and swiping to see. 

I've already rated the update 1* in the play store but little hope that it will make a difference.

I am thinking about manually reverting to 4.x but at some point that will break other functionality I'm afraid. 

  • Turning off the In Focus section helps some (the data offered is so rudimentary)

    The At a Glance section definitely needs an option of "card" vs list (full width like before)

    And removing things from At a Glance display shouldn't pull them from the 7 day display - I was trying fewer "cards" since they eat so much space and show almost nothing but it also pulls the data from the Last 7 days list

  • I really don't get who they made this for? It's worse then the old version in almost every way apart from looking fancier and introducing swipeable cards which websites are using less and less these days since horizontal swiping is super counter-intuitive.

    The in focus cards and at a glance cards take up a lot of space while they don't really show a lot of information (and for some silly reason I can only select 8 of them). And why I have a kazillion dots underneath the all-activities infocus card is a mystery to me.

    Great UI, Horrible UX and even worse content/data.