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Garmin Please add ability to delete naps.

I have a joint condition that means sometimes I am sitting reading whilst keeping still with heat wraps on, waiting for medication to kick in.

I've had an additional 2hrs 28mins naps added today alone, I'm not appreciating that as my sleep is atrocious due to pain and I need the tracking to be accurate to share with my health care provider.

  • You can select what appears in the calendar (Connect app):

    • go to calendar
    • tap the three little squares at the top right
    • tap “filter calendar”
    • deselect “sleep coach”, “sleep score”, “naps” and whatever you like
    • tap back arrow st the top left
  • I was able to delete a nap in the Connect app today:

    • Open Connect app
    • Sync
    • Go to Sleep (everyone’s front page looks different… in case you don’t find it: bottom right More > Health Stats > Sleep)
    • Go to Sleep Coach (below “today” there are two tabs: sleep score and sleep coach)
    • At the bottom, it lists naps. Tap on a nap.
    • Swipe left on each nap and tap delete OR tap edit (top right) and tap the little red circle for each nap

    Now the nap is not shown or counted for sleep information or shown in body battery in the app. However, even after syncing, it still lists the nap on my watch. It is only in the glance Naps though. Not messing with sleep coach.

  • This is already possible for months.. but most of the time the next morning it still says: due to your nap yesterday too late in the day your sleep was bad. We advise taking naps earlier in the day and for a shorter duration. 

    And for me sleep coach is still wrong too. Before my falsely detected nap I needed 9 hours sleep according to the sleep coach. And after the fake nap 8.20 hours and after deleting the nap still 8.20 hours. So it did t revert back to before the falsely detected nap.

    so the only thing that is changing after removing a nap is that body battery isn’t showing a nap and sleep coach isn’t saying you’ve napped. But sleep coach still says you need less sleep than before your nap. 

  • That only works if you spot it same day. I view my sleep stats in the mornings, it's what I got the watch for. It's a rare day I am able to look back same day, with chronic health conditions evenings are strained enough as it is. Naps need to be switched off or be adjustable without time limit.

  • All suggestios so far have been pretty useless. Deleting same day is not the answer, it still works out your sleep need based on its already measured figures. Also going into the settings in the app and turning naps off did nothing! Yesterday I logged 3 naps amounting to over an hour and a half, I have not been able to "nap" for decades, this is so frustrating, its skewing the metrics and making them pretty useless to me. It looks like I have had far more rest than I have so I can not use it as reference in my appointments about fatigue and rest. .

  • This is not a new problem, the nap feature has been a disaster since it was first rolled out, at first there was no way to delete. There must have been a lot of complaints because the ability to delete naps has been around for months but only on the day of which is ridiculous in and of itself. Not everyone looks at the Connect app multiple times a day. There should be a way to turn it off or a popup on the watch to ask if you actually had the nap so you could delete it that way. 

  • Agree, same issue here. Please add the ability to delete naps recorded against ANY day, not just the day they happened. A lot of us look at Garmin Connect in the morning, not in the evening, so we don't notice naps before they get locked in.

    For me personally i'd love the ability to disable the feature completely. I literally NEVER nap, in the last 20 years of my 40-year life i napped fewer than 5 times. I'll record it manually if this ever happens, i promise, thanks.

    Fenix 7s sapphire solar.