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All data missing from midnight

I have a Garmin Forerunner 745 and I have a frequent issue where all of the data is missing from midnight until a random time in the morning.

I am wearing the watch all night and I'm pretty sure the data is being recorded to the watch. I think the issue might be when syncing to Garmin Connect.

This is a very commonly reported issue and there seems to never be a solution for it. I have contacted Garmin support but only received a template email back with some links to troubleshooting guides that did not solve the problem.

  • Happened again last night from Midnight to about 2am.

    Although now I see it happening only on Connect, the watch (Venu2) Glance seems OK. At any rate I give up worrying about it, and I think Garmin has too....

  • Are you on utc time? I am getting at 2-3 am. I am  utc+2.

    i tried all setups . Last night i removed the watch from my connwct web account and re emrolled it. I turned off wifi. Seems one of those made no gap sleep. I will keep update if this is a solution

  • Hi all, I have the same problem but then on iOS and on my 3.5 weeks old vivoactive 5. All data is visible on my watch. And up until midnight exactly in Garmin Connect and web as well. But at midnight exactly my graphs are starting to show gaps. Sometimes until 2 in the morning, sometimes only until 00.15, like now. (I’m in Europe so it’s just after midnight).

    I tried everything. reinstalled the app, reinstalled the watch several times. Hard reset, soft reset, using the cable after disabling Bluetooth and WiFi at night etc etc. It’s not helping, and it’s so strange, because it’s not happening every night. Only since the latest Garmin Connect update for iOS (last Saturday) it’s happening every night.

    First I thought it was the first time it happened on Saturday, but looking back it happens since I got the watch in January, only first it happened two times a week, and now today for the third time in a row. And sometimes only 20 minutes are missing, so I hadn’t noticed because it’s such a small line on the graph.

    Now it’s 00.25 and it’s syncing fine again. I did nothing. And it’s time for bed too :) 

    I will report this to Garmin tomorrow. Maybe it helps when everyone reports it.. or maybe not, we’ll see. It’s frustrating to see this is a bug that’s getting reported for years already. 

    edit to add: my watch is definitely not crashing during the missing connect app data periods. Because I purposely stayed awake to see if it crashes at midnight. It didn’t crash. But connect still misses data. Already suspected the watch did nog crash as my watch never missed data. 

  • Today is the first time I had the same problem here.

    HR and body battery stops at midnight and starts again at wakeup. HRV instead works. I can see body battery data on the fenix 6 correctly recorded. The problem is in the sync on garmin connect.

  • Hello and welcome to the missing data club.

    I think it's probably not a problem with any of the watches. I think the problem is on the Garmin Web servers when trying to receive a large upload from a device. The size of the request is too large and the server rejects it. Just a guess though. For me it happens most days. Garmins are not showing any interest in fixing it.

  • You can also count me on the club, I had this issue for the first time this night. No syncing of HR from midnight until I woke up even if the data are on the watch. No breathing too. 

    Also I noticed today that on the daily HR graph, during my home trainer activity, my chest strap data were not taken into account. So during the time I rode the bike, I have different HR data depending on if I go to the activity details or HR daily page. 

  • I had it too again last night. It went well for 4 days in a row, so I thought it was finally fixed. And this morning it also missed data again, starting at midnight exactly. 

  • I ve had this 17 night with tactix 7. And started also on my fenix 7. On the same garmin account. On the other hand( call me crazy )i sleep with my vivosmart 5 on the other hand.( other account of course). all cleare there. Tried all there is here on forums. Put it out from all garmin sistem( web, connect mobile,express) and re register, stopped wifi, bt at night, deleted history, hard reseted many times. Seems to work on the reset day. On watch files i found on metrics backup a fit filw that could not upload, jist deleled as being corupt(Grinningtill investigating) appears on logs that takes xxxxxxxxx sec to update. Still hoping to find a solution. Any suggestion i can try because my garmin ecosistem is not working for me. Bad sleep bad hrvGrinningbecause of graphs from connect. Training…GrinningGrinning if i will run without the watch i could get rid of 3 products at once. I am not pro runner i am beginner 1 year and metrics maked me run more. 

  • A ‘solution’ is running an activity at midnight, only for a few minutes and then everything syncs when you sync the activity. But this is not a real solution of course, only for night owls :( 

  • Do a test and turn off the sync from the watch (both bluetooth and wifi) so it will not try to upload any data.