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Why in the charts there is no DISTANCE overlay? E.g. in Heart Rate chart there is Elevation, VO2, Respiration, namely everything but no Distance...

It was discussed in 2019 and still no reaction from Garmin. Guys - it is so simple: e.g. in Heart Rate chart we should be able to check not only HR against: Cadence, Elevation, etc. but against Distance as well. In Suunto's movescount it was even possible to switch the X-axis between time and distance. It was also possible to highligt some range of the chart and check e.g the average HR for that range. Or - you could easily check the average pace for any selected range (be it time range or distance range). I am even not hoping for such an "advanced analytics" to be added in the next 5 years. But, PLEASE, add at least Distane overlay - I'd actually place a Distance button as the firys one - before Cadence. Running is about covering DISTANCE.

Just to make sure that Garmin guys understand the requirement: in the below snapshot we can see Heart Rate chart with Pace overlay. Me and hundred thousand of other usets would like to see as well Heart Rate with Distance overlay.

  • On the Web you can switch X-axis:

  • Thank you BunBun. I'd still like to have it in Connect app. And actually not only the switch between OverTime and OverDistance, but: while looking at OverTime chart I'd like to see: HR and Distance in Connect app - today not possoble.

  • I'd still like to have it in Connect app

    Not 100% sure which phone you have. Based on your posting history, guessing android. Therefore, moved this thread to the Garmin Connect Mobile android forum.

  • Do you want to say that on iPhone everything works perfectly? I don't think so. This is a general Connect app design problem regardless of platform. Even on web version of Connect it just not possible to see Time and Distance at the same time. Do you have at least one runner in your Garmin team (who would be actualy using your products)? Or at least one person who cares for the feedback provided in this forum. Topic signaled in 2019 and still not done...

  • Me and hundred thousand of other usets would like to see as well Heart Rate with Distance overlay.

    No objection to that overlay being provided, but what will it actually tell you?

    Unless you are doing something strange during your run the Distance will be a more or less straight line running from the bottom left of the chart to the top right of the chart. Other factors will have a greater influence on what the heart rate is than distance will.

    Or is what you are looking for is a simple Time and Distance chart so that you can find out what distance you had covered to a point in time or what time it had taken you to get to certain distance?

  • Scillonian, are uphills syrange things to you? Or some unplanned intervals? Or- you just meet sb and you change ad-hoc the goal of your run into some mini-race. Never happened to you? Do you always run with a constant pace?! That must be really boring ;)

  • And yes - in your 3rd paragraph you are provoding examples of why having both: Time and Distance might be interesting. For runs with a constant pace and after warm up - majority of parameters would be a straight line, but... there are so many different strategies for running: negative or positive splits, intervals, uphills, finishing races, etc