It was discussed in 2019 and still no reaction from Garmin. Guys - it is so simple: e.g. in Heart Rate chart we should be able to check not only HR against: Cadence, Elevation, etc. but against Distance as well. In Suunto's movescount it was even possible to switch the X-axis between time and distance. It was also possible to highligt some range of the chart and check e.g the average HR for that range. Or - you could easily check the average pace for any selected range (be it time range or distance range). I am even not hoping for such an "advanced analytics" to be added in the next 5 years. But, PLEASE, add at least Distane overlay - I'd actually place a Distance button as the firys one - before Cadence. Running is about covering DISTANCE.
Just to make sure that Garmin guys understand the requirement: in the below snapshot we can see Heart Rate chart with Pace overlay. Me and hundred thousand of other usets would like to see as well Heart Rate with Distance overlay.