in some users Mobile App i see they have Execution Score. I have Edge 530 and after my indoor treaning *training plan from Garmin Connect) i can't see this option. How can i enable it?
in some users Mobile App i see they have Execution Score. I have Edge 530 and after my indoor treaning *training plan from Garmin Connect) i can't see this option. How can i enable it?
What model of Edge do those users have? Do you see it on Garmin Connect Web? After opening an activity, it should be on the Stats tab, Execution Score near the bottom of the page.
If it's not there, it might be that the Edge 530 doesn't offer this. I only see users with the Edge 1030 Plus that have this option. Might want to ask in one of the Edge forums. Looks like you did - (+) Garmin Century Training Plan - Zone 2 Aerobic - Edge 130 Plus - Cycling - Garmin Forums
You might be right about Edge 530.