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How can I add more health stats on "edit my day"?

How can I add more health stats on "edit my day"? , I only get the chance for weight, calores and hydratation I miss FC and others, anyway I can add more fields?

  • I miss FC and others, anyway I can add more fields?

    What is FC, and what other fields do you miss? Anyway, all what is available, is listed on the Edit My Day screen. There is no way adding more items there, unless you change the device supporting new options.

  • Sorry I messed up, I meant Heart Rate which I find strange it is not already included in there. Anyway if as You mention there's no posibility to edit then we'll have to live with it.

    Thx a lot

  • Sorry, I did not realize you are French (Fréquence Cardiaque). Heart Rate is in Edit My Day, assuming your watch has a integrated HRM, or you use an external one. If you do not see it for some reason despite that your watch has a HRM, try forcing the app to stop, clearing the cache of the app, and then restarting. If it does not help, try reinstalling it.

  • Thank You just a small appreciation I am Spanish not French... Anyway I use a Garmin edge 810 as data source.

    Thanks agsin

  • OK, sorry again for the mistake Slight smile

    Anyway I use a Garmin edge 810 as data source

    And do you have a HRM connected to it? Anyway, it is possible the HR won't be avaiable for the My Day screen even with an external HRM - I cannot tell since I use no Edge. You better ask on the Edge 8xx forums - people there will tell you. The HR should, though, be available in the Activity details as long as you use an external HRM and it is correctly connected to Edge.

  • Thank You, I do really appreciate your answers. 

    Stay safe