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Garmin coach does not sync the status from the watch to Garmin connect.

I have reported this for few weeks through the forum, for 3 weeks to the French support.

I get no anwer about this bug.

Garmin coach is not synchronizing the status of the executed runs from the watch the the cloud.

On the watch the widget mark it as executed but not after synchronization. To avoid beginner questions, I have already performed some training plan in the past with the sane watch. So, I know how it works!

I would like to know what could I do to fix this issue (removing some files on the watch for example ) or to forward some logs on somebody who can analyse the problem.

I try with a factory reset and it does not work.


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  • It need the technical support of somebody who is able to investigate this bug.

    I dare to tell that I could, and I do it frequently on this forum for many other users in troubles. However, it…

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